Betway Lights: The legends of the RCD Espanyol goal

Betway Lights: Las leyendas de la portería del RCD Espanyol
Betway Lights reminds us of some of the best goal legends of RCD Espanyol. FOTO: Betway

Last update 12 January, 2021 por Alberto Llopis

¿Quiénes son the legends of the RCD Espanyol goal? Be a goalkeeper, goalkeeper, goalkeeper or goalkeeper as they call him in Latin America, requires a noble heart, a warrior's soul and as they say, be a little crazy since it is a position as admired as it is misunderstood.

Soccer is a team sport in which eleven against eleven compete but, between all of them, in each team there is a footballer who has nothing to do with the rest: the goalkeeper. Betway helps us understand what it means to be a goalkeeper with the help of some of the best goalkeepers in the history of Espanyol, the top favorite to ascend and win the Smartbank League title in the Second Division bets.

El portero, is the player on whom the team's maximum responsibility falls if he fails, and it is that their errors are seen more and they are penalized twice than the rest of the team's players. It is about a footballer who lives most of the matches alone, but unable to afford to lose focus for a second. A position in which you can only shine if your team does not work well and you are shot many times on goal. All this means that goalkeepers have to have a special character, a different personality to be the last man and also the first. And for all this, an indispensable piece in the set.

Zamora and N`Kono, among the legends of the RCD Espanyol goal

If someone personifies this, he is a legend as the first great goalkeeper in the history of Spanish football and also of RCD Espanyol, nothing more and nothing less than don Ricardo Zamora. Considered one of the best goalkeepers of all time, el ‘Divino’ was one of the first to show us that a goalkeeper needs to have a special character. Zamora was the center of attention both for his impossible stops as well as for his outfits and his 'gentleman' pose with his 'Peaky Blinders' beret’ included. Hace casi 100 years Zamora gave the recipe to be a good goalkeeper: noble heart and rock star soul.

In the mythical decade of the 80, Another of the great myths of the Spanish goal came to the Parakeet team that shone with its own light and forged its own urban legend: Thomas N'Kono, one of the first African goalkeepers in the League. He will always be remembered for his characteristic long pants outfit and spectacular one-handed stops.. Un jugador diferente, with a special character both outside and inside the field, and that is why he is still the second foreign footballer with the most matches in the history of Espanyol and in this 21st century., the goalkeeping coach of the ‘Perico’ team.

Gorka Iraizoz and Diego López, two tall goalkeepers for RCD Espanyol

With the arrival of new times and the new millennium, Gorka Iraizoz arrived at the goal of Espanyol. The Navarrese had an extensive career and defended the goal of the ‘parakeets’ first in the subsidiary between 2002 y 2004 and after the first team between 2005 y 2007. For Iraizoz, “unlike the rest of the players on the field, the goalkeepers are going, and they do not shrink in the face of loneliness and the extra pressure of being a goalkeeper”.


Diego López arrived at Espanyol in 2016 and as goalkeeper of the Catalan team he has lived the honeys of success with the European classification of the 18-19 and the disappointment of failure with the descent to Second 19-20, the first of the 21st century. For Diego, “on the one hand, is the rest of the team, you have to train different systems and position changes, and on the other the doorman, who feels free within the squad. The goalkeeper conducts his own individual training, prepares the matches for himself, has its own warm-up and even an individualized coach. This is the loneliness of the goalkeeper within a squad.”

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Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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