Bosnia, History awaits them

Bosnia, la historia les espera

Last update 6 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Bosnia goes to a World Cup for the first time in its history and does it looking very good. Interesting midfield, excellent goalkeeper and best striker. Very good credentials of the Bosnian team that also has the luck of being in a group where second place can be within reach as soon as things go moderately well.

Dzeko and Ibisevic are two of the most sought after strikers in the world, especially the City striker. Both ensure quality, presence and above all goal against Bosnia. The midfield with Pjanic at the helm is creative, smart and with many kinds of alternatives. Begovic has already shown in the Premier that he is one of the fittest goalkeepers in Europe.

Safet Susic, who was the best bosnian player in history, you are lucky to have a strong team that can handle different registries. Surely we will see him withdrawn against Argentina, but it will not be difficult to see him take charge of the match times against Nigeria and Iran, selections that on paper are in no way superior to Bosnia.

Una gran estrella tiene Bosnia: Dzeko, el delantero del City.
A big star has Bosnia: Dzeko, City striker.


  • great forward. With Dzeko as the visible head, Bosnia comes with an interesting team that can scare more than one, starting with the rivals of their own group.
  • In line with what was said, a group with Nigeria and Iran may seem accessible as long as we leave Argentina aside, the great favorite to finish first.
  • Competitiveness. Like a good Balkan team, Bosnia will contribute in Brazil that plus of competitiveness that makes it even more dangerous. Thereto, you have to add the quality of his midfield and his attack. the less danger.

Weak points:

  • The defense. Bosnia is a team that can hit problems when it comes to defending. It is true that he has life insurance in Begovic, but no less true is that the defensive line is its weakest point.
  • inexperience. Bosnia is going to a World Cup for the first time in its history and that is always a cause for concern. Few teams have debuted through the front door. Although the example that if you can succeed at the first change is close. Croatia in France 1998.




Susic es el seleccionador de Bosnia.
Susic will direct Bosnia.

What better coach could Bosnia have than Safet Susic?, the best Bosnian player in all history and a legend of Balkan football in the years 80. He did know what it means to be in a World Cup and twice (1982 y 1990) and will try to transmit that experience to a group with enthusiasm and desire, besides talent.

Susic will bet on the counter, but also by the touch the power of their forwards. something that a priori, seems like a safe bet. Nor is character and order lacking in a team that will be in the final phase of a World Cup for the first time.


– World Cup debutant

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982
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