Irán, not as adept at sweet as it seems

Irán, no tan perita en dulce como parece

Last update 6 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Iran attends the World Cup in Brazil for the fourth time in its history. He does it with the aim of overcoming his previous performances where in no case of the round of 16. It will not be easy. With Argentina as head of series, between the “Princes of persia”, Bosnia and Nigeria embark on a titanic struggle for second place. A priori, It may seem that both Africans and Europeans have an advantage, but if we do an in-depth analysis everything turns out to be more equal than it seems.

Because Iran is more powerful than other times. It is no longer that weak team, fragile in defense that grants many facilities. Now it's more serious, better organized and with a touch of talent that other times I did not have. From the hand of Carlos Queiroz on the bench and the eternal Javad Nekounam in the center of the field, Things have changed. Iran has grown.

Por supuesto, we won't see her dominate, but go against it, the one with which he destroyed Korea to win 0-1 and secure a fourth pass to a World Cup. Jabbari and Ghoochannehjad are excellent attacking add-ons and the 4-5-1 that the Portuguese coach will use the greatest guarantee that Iran seeks to take center stage.

Three-time Asian champion, one of its strengths will be knowing how to adapt to the high temperatures that we will experience in Brazil. Their players are highly accustomed to going out onto fields with fired mercury and this can be a great advantage. It is true that Argentina must beat him easily, but neither Bosnia nor the always irregular Nigeria can sleep peacefully. Because Iran is no longer that sweet tooth.

Irán acudirá a su cuarto Mundial en Brasil.
Iran will attend its fourth World Cup in Brazil.


  • Javad Nekounam. The excellent midfielder is the driving force behind the national team. If Nekounam is bright, Your team will notice it in a positive way, raising the options of Iran notably.
  • Organization and discipline. Iran is a very well organized team, serious and that he knows how to play against perfectly as he already demonstrated in some games of the qualifying phase.

Weak points:

  • Lack of a real crack. We have talked about the virtues of Nekounam but there is a big underlying problem. The lack of a true star that makes a difference, especially upstairs like Daei used to do.
  • Lack of experience. Iran always fell to the first of changes in their participations in World Cups. This time it seems that things can change. But for this you have to avoid the typical defensive oversights, mental fragility and make a better elaboration within the field of play.




Carlos Queiroz es el entrenador de Irán.
Carlos Queiroz is the coach of Iran.

Quizás, the best known of Iran is its coach Carlos Queiroz. The ex of Manchester United and Real Madrid is a good lover of touch football and an old dog on the bench. Sin embargo, knows that with Iran things are different.

Queiroz knows that the best way to go far is to tie back and look for a quick exit of the ball. Direct play to the detriment of touch and possession, DNA. Hopefully this time Carlos Queiroz will have better luck than he had in the Arab Emirates and South Africa.


– Three World Cup appearances (always first round).

– Three-time Asian champion

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982
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