Celta 2- Real Madrid 1: Christian avoids a greater evil

Last update 13 December, 2012 por Julio Muñoz

Defeat 2-1 and thanks. A goal from Cristiano raised a dying man in a tie that painted as KO in Balaídos after a 2-0 glaring. Real Madrid motro your face without authority away from home, It Balaídos he had to face in over a long time against a Celta who never tired of winning the divided balls and embarrass a team game without playing.

The visitors did not wake up really deservedly be back with goals from Bermejo and the goal of Bustos, I adjusted to what was under the deluge in an increasingly heavy field. The changes surtieron Mou Varane some effect and ended up playing for injury Dovecote, as centrodelantero. Celta exemplary will seem little after taking the eliminitaria on your part, It is not the same a 2-0 that a 2-1.

Madrid broke in two in a forgettable first half and ended up appealing to the heroic Celta after two slaps in the second. Neither Modric and Xabi Essien and sewed him with Di Maria ruin, allergic water. But the group of Mourinho not just missed game, but intensity, as if the rain agotase even more than the proposal Celta. The split balls won in a field that increasingly heavier be counted on the fingers of one hand. Shortly after Benzema was injured just in a bad tread. Decorated alley did not improve because Di Maria continued his recital of balls on the contrary, while Christian did not have their day. Just a couple of blanks from afar. Industrial unlike many balls, Modric leaderless, with the feeling that the field was too large. Sergio Alvarez did not intervene in 45 minutos, not a single stop.

The local did not need much game or the best of their franchise man -Iago Aspas- to get him into problems with some balls to back on the wings. And especially set pieces, fires in every corner. The bet was to win the 90% of the divided balls and jump up to speed. Every corner was half ordeal, Pepe asking for more attention to yours. Pity for local work is that the Korean Park did not engage well the two who had real game. And it was also too a header, lonelier than one, in the heart of the area.
Özil enters and just forward Varane

Mourinho left to Di Maria on the bench to try more accurately Özil. The Turkish-German dribbled'm a better corner in 55 minutos- with inside pass Arbeloa, that awful hooked ball. Fea mockery. En la siguiente, Christian lost the ball was played and yellow. Light blue stripped contrataque that kind of Krohn Dehly. Danish international worked a great cut to remove the medium Varane in the left corner of arera, where he placed a warm center that left Augusto Fernández deftly pass, offside. Bermejo, in surprise appearance from the second post, It seamed with the permission of Arbeloa, he left the door open and allowed 'killing’ by the back. Celta deserved.

Mou tried more solutions with the entry of Kaka on the other insubstantial, Essien. And Sergio Alvarez had more work in a couple of arrival in 70 previous minutes. He took a shot from Modric to pick up a loose clearance in the area a center of Xabi Alonso and was superb in a whiplash prescribed by Cristiano, very tight to his right post.

Mourinho pulled inventions URGENCI to place Varane of centrodelantero, it is assumed that he was touched. When Pepe got into a mess when removing evil band towards Alonso, he slipped and the ball was won Bustos, who just fresh out, He scuttled a superb shot with all my heart that wiped the cobwebs from the squad of Adam. From here to the end, Sergio Alvarez, very safe before the siege, he looked in shots short and long Cristiano. Until the third, Portuguese raised theirs from the seaming KO within the first area and a great cross from Alonso who took back completely to the defense.

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in Colgadosporelfutbol.com and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982
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