Five players who were going to star and eventually crashed (part IV)

Cinco jugadores que iban para estrella y acabaron estrellados (parte IV)
Yohan Gourcuff was to be the new Zidane. FOTO: As

Last update 5 July, 2019 por Alberto Llopis

Players who were going to star and ended up star

Sebastián Deisler

It was the most promising player of his generation, in fact it was one of the most brilliant German players when he was over 20 años. But injuries ended that brilliant progression. Player Talent, his physical problems deprived him achieve a brilliant career at least as bright as it had to be. Se retiró en 2007 a los 27 years due to injuries and being another one of those players whose career was cut short by injury.

Las lesiones acabaron con la carrera de Deisler.
The injury ended the career Deisler. FOTO: Bild

Yoann Gourcuff

The Frenchman was almost a decade ago one of the brightest young footballers in Europe, While many saw him as the worthy successor to Zidane. But the wake-born player 1986 It was extinguished with the passing of the seasons. He joined Milan in 2006 but calcium is not managed to develop their skills. The rest of his career has developed in French football. Another of those players who went to star but he did not confirm the sensations.

Sunny Sunday

Nigerian born but naturalized Spanish, Stephen “Sunny” Sunday was a classic of the lower categories of Spain when he played for Poli Ejido where highlighted in Second. This caused the Valencia notice him to sign him as a promising young. After several assignments and other, He went through several Spanish teams like Osasuna, Betis or Numancia where just played and lost his career to lose sight League.


The player born in 1987 He was one of the young talents in Villarreal 2006 He had scored his first goal in First Division. Sin embargo, He did not get to earn his spot in the table Madrigal and was loaned to multiple computers running different teams playing in Second Division, Second B and Polish football.

jugadores que iban para estrella y acabaron estrellados
Marquitos in a match against Real Madrid with Villarreal. FOTO: As

Xisco Nadal

0tro promising youth player of Villarreal and a rare rare rare case. He debuted with barely 16 First years and he was one of the youngest scorer in the history of the top flight. Sin embargo, He was not consolidated in the grogueta squad and went to Numancia, Hercules and Granada 74.

He signed with the Levant who played in Second, First and totaled played in the top flight. But against all odds, en 2011 with scarcely 25 professional football years he left and dropped from the First Division to the team of his people. His last game was a derby between Valencia and Levante at Mestalla in 2011 where he was also expelled.

He then played for teams like Alqueries, Vinaros or Segorbe before retiring and becoming the delegate Villarreal. The less strange case.

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Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol


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