Do you know Mustafi?

¿Conoces a Mustafi?

Last update 6 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

The first official signing of the Lim era is Shkordan Mustafi, a brand new champion of the world 22 años, who has been signed by the Valencian club for the next 5 seasons. Mustafi has been an express request of Nuno, the current coach, since his virtue is the aerial game and the Portuguese wanted to reinforce that aspect in the game of the Valencian team. In Hanging for football we introduce you to the new wall of Mestalla.

Born in Bad Hersfeld (Germany) el 17 de abril de 1992. He is a German footballer but with Albanian descent. Its natural position is that of central, but he can play right back, since in the World Cup in Brazil he played in that position and played a great role. Just a few hours ago Mustafi was a Sampdoria player, but Valencia put on the table an offer that neither the player nor the club could refuse.

Mustafi llega al Valencia procedente de la Sampdoria.
Mustafi arrives at Valencia from Sampdoria.

Despite some issues still not fixed, the current project excites the fans of Valencia. Nuno's, They come from winning a tournament where great clubs in Europe played and with this signing they would reinforce the defense, one of the weak points after the departure of Mathieu. A round business for Valencia since the Frenchman was sold for 20 millions to FC Barcelona, a fact that has not sat very well with the Barça fans. Mustafi, is a younger player with greater projection who has been bought for just 8 millions. Definitely a round business.

Shkordan always stated that he wanted to play for the Albanian national team, so the Albanian coach did not take long to summon him for a friendly. Sin embargo, el 28 de febrero de 2014 Joachim Löw, Germany coach, called Mustafi for a friendly against Chile. The player was included in the list of 30 players with the possibility of playing the World Cup, and the day 7 June Mustafi was officially summoned by Löw to be part of the German expedition to Brazil.

This happened because of Marco Reus's ankle injury, but time proved Joachim right, since Mustafi was a key man to win the final in Maracanã. To his credit he has a Eurocup sub 17 and the recent World Cup won in Brazil, both played with the German national team but surely he wants to expand his record with the Valencia shirt.

Mustafi ya luce de valencianista.
Mustafi already looks like a Valencian player.

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