Do you know Victor Camarasa?

¿Conoces a Victor Camarasa?

Last update 5 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Despite Levante's bad start in the League 2014/15 The granota team has some glimmers of hope. A good generation of kids from the second team seem to be asking for a step in a season that has started in black, very black. The Iván López, Morales, Rubén García and Victor Camarasa, a midfielder who was in Barça's sights for his second team, They seem to be the future of the team. It is precisely about this last one that we want to talk to you today..

It was Caparrós who gave him the alternative in the Copa del Rey of the 2013/14 and made him debut in the First Division. Sin embargo, It was in the short Mendilibar stage of just 8 league matches where he won the starting jersey and even scored a goal in the match against Eibar that ended in a draw. Antes, He had stood out in the youth Division of honor of Levante that lost in the semifinals of the Copa del Rey against Real Madrid. This earned him the chance to jump to B Levante, where he had a testimonial step due to his great progression..

Camarasa ante Benavente en la Copa del Rey de juveniles de 2013.
Camarasa against Benavente in the Copa del Rey youth team 2013.

Born a 28 de mayo de 1994 the valencian, He is a defensive midfielder with a lot of physical power but not without quality and good touch on the ball.. A very interesting player with a progression to follow. A player who if luck is with him, He can become a very important footballer for the Granotas in a short space of time..

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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