Luis Enrique, the claw and the Spanish race at its best

Luis Enrique, la garra y la raza española en su máxima expresión

Last update 14 March, 2018 por Alberto Llopis

His career was marked by his character. his claw, his fight, su entrega, his passion for football, beyond some colors other than those of his beloved Sporting Gijon. Because it was in Mareo, in his native Asturias where he was born and took its first steps the most versatile player who has given Spain, the man who could well play forward, indoor, side or occupy mediapunta, always with a remarkably high in performance.

Nacido en 1970, con 21 years was required by the Real Madrid, soon he realized that there was a footballer more Sporting, but a future player in the early twenty-first century would be included by Pele as one of the 125 greatest footballers in history. In the white club, He begins his rise to the pinnacle of football, arrival to the forefront of football.

Luis Enrique estuvo 5 años en las filas del Real Madrid.
Luis Enrique was 5 years in the ranks of Real Madrid.

As interior right, but also as a second striker in its first year and was able to play 29 games and scoring four goals, in a sensational performance that earned him to be summoned to the Olympic Games in Barcelona, city ​​where Olympic champion will be crowned thanks to a goal in the last minute Kiko.

Olympic gold medal 22 years and the best yet to come. Because it would be in 1994, when Lucho would play the first of his three World, and the most he scored. In United States, a Spain directed by Javier Clemente reach the quarterfinals with Luis Enrique as a major player. Italia, Tassoti and last minute. Who does not remember these three words, the ruthless defense of transalpine elbowed shattering the nasal septum with the party almost over and Sándor Puhl looking away despite the Spaniard with tears in his eyes and blood on the shirt?

El codazo de Tasotti a Luis Enrique es una de las imágenes de los Mundiales.
Tasotti's elbow to Luis Enrique is one of the images of the World.

Yes, It is probably the image that marked his career and the biggest reflection of what career. An athlete Delivery, of sacrifice, away from the spotlight of the stars enemy of unnecessary dribbles and, however beautiful they were. It was that World USA 94 which he marked his career, but also their transfer in the summer 96 the eternal enemy, the Barcelona. For non-renewal immersed in an institutional and sport crisis led him to Madrid Barça, where start a new stage, la mejor.

Luis Enrique salió mal del Madrid y se hizo un ídolo en el eterno rival. No le gusta verse ni en fotos como madridista.
Luis Enrique went wrong Madrid and became an idol in the eternal rival. He does not like to be seen or photos as madridista.

In the Catalan club season eight dream live on a personal level, where he achieves their best records and where he would win two league titles, Cups and the Cup Winners 97 in what was his best season 17 goals in 35 parties, many of them played from the right.

Hated by Madrisistas (a traitor to them) and become an idol by Barca, el 16 de mayo de 2004, Luis Enrique was officially dismissed from professional football in a game against Racing statistical leaving for a total of 400 official league and 102 goals to his credit.

It was the end of a sporting life that would route from there to be a coach. And for this, nothing better than the subsidiary of Barcelona, where he spent three years 2008 a 2011. A trial period would serve to take the necessary experience to lead the Roma, Celta d Vigo and its return to the club as symbol dock. Who would have thought in the early 90.

Luis Enrique, el jefe del Barça.
Luis Enrique, Barca boss.

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982
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