The crisis follows the coronavirus in football

Sigue la crisis del coronavirus en el fútbol
The crisis of the coronavirus in football continues and looks for long. FOTO: 20minutos

Last update 11 March, 2020 por Alberto Llopis

The coronavirus crisis in football as in the rest of the world, keep going. Como no podía ser de otra manera, the covid-19 continues its expansion in the world and by extension affecting the daily lives of millions of people. And the beautiful game is no stranger. We told you the first steps and consequences had this epidemic in football. But it unfortunately has not been there and related news between the beautiful game and this virus still hand.

Laliga decides to play the next two games behind closed doors. First measure of the coronavirus crisis in Spanish football

Spanish Laliga decided 10 March that 2 You days between weekends of the 14-15 y 21-22 de marzo, They will be played behind closed doors as prevention of coronavirus. That could already see it in the Eibar-Real Sociedad that had been postponed and that it was played behind closed doors.

Without Football in Italy until April (for now)

Italy is one of the countries hardest hit by the impact of the covid-19. Por ello, Italians have decided to isolate virtually the entire country with a take measures to address this serious problem and, cut football even less April to prevent further infections.

Getafe refuses to travel to Milan

The coronavirus crisis in football It has already reached the daily life of the equipment. Although the game is played behind closed doors, Getafe has refused to travel to Milan, one of the great centers of the coronavirus in Europe. President of the Madrid club, Angel Torres has been strong: “We will not travel to Milan, If we have to lose the tie will lose. We have asked you to look for an alternative to play in Milan. We do not want to get into the focus of the coronavirus, we do not need. We have asked the Federation also helps to demand the suspension” He has expressed the president of the Getafe.

Arsenal quarantined and the president of Olympiakos infected

All Arsenal template quarantines. Several players and members of the coaching staff of the Gunners’ must be quarantined the next 14 days after having had contact the owner of the Olympiacos, Evangelos Marinakis, who she was diagnosed with coronavirus. So I had to abandon the match between Arsenal and Manchester City. Something that also affects the upcoming matches of London.

Mbappé tested for coronavirus

Not a global superclass as Mbappé rid of the danger of the covid-19. The young French star had to get tested to see if I had this coronavirus. The test was negative.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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