What are Spain's chances of winning the World Cup in Qatar?

Cuáles son las posibilidades de España de ganar el mundial de Qatar
What are the real chances of Spain to win the World Cup in Qatar? FOTO: https://sp.depositphotos.com/

Last update 27 July, 2022 por Alberto Llopis

Although you probably remember, because of the strangeness of the dates on which it will be celebrated, It is important to remember that this year 2022 we have world. And that precisely the same one is going to be held in November because it is disputed in Qatar. As is obvious, in case of having done it during the summer months, the matches would have been a real hell of heat for the players. This leaves us a little more time to assess what are the chances of the Spanish team to win the tournament.

This data is not less, both for football fans and for those who usually visit bookmakers and try your luck. For these last users, it is evident that being clear about the Red's chances of winning is necessary to determine what your bets will be in this regard.

That's why, We are going to try to shed some light on the matter and evaluate what are the real possibilities that the Spanish team has of winning the World Cup.

background and classification

If we evaluate what has been the performance that the Spanish team has had in the last games played for the qualifying phase of this tournament, the truth is that some doubts arise regarding what the team's performance will be during the mundial de Qatar 2022.

It is worth remembering that, despite the fact that the group in which the team had fallen was relatively accessible, the initial results were about to ruin the qualification process and sue the Spanish team to the play-off phase, despite being one of the World Cup seeds.

La plantilla

It is obvious that the Spanish team that we are currently seeing has little to do with that mythical team led by Luis Aragonés and who won a European Championship and a World Cup. There are few players left from that squad., since the passage of time has been withdrawing them. The result is that the new block still suffers from a certain inexperience when it comes to international competitions., despite coming from teams in which they have played all kinds of tournaments.

This does not mean that the template is of poor quality, as evidenced by the presence of names like Pedri, Dani Olmo or Gerard Moreno, por citar algunos. But some cohesion is still missing in the main block of the selection, what can be a handicap against it when it comes to an event as important as the world.

equality commands

Although so far we do not have many elements that help us think positively about Spain's victory in the World Cup, If we take a look at both national and international sports chronicles, we will see how this is going to be the World Cup for equality.. Some of the problems we have discussed for Spain, are also present for others, whose templates don't seem to be as well-formed as they should.

In fact, complications in qualifying also affected other candidates to become tournament winners. Así que, in a context like the one we are analyzing, it is obvious that the final triumph is more open than ever. In fact, These are some of the odds that we find in the main bookmakers in the market.

  1. Brasil 6 a 1
  2. Francia 7,5 a 1
  3. España 8 a 1
  4. Argentina 10 a 1
  5. Bélgica 12 a 1

What do those who know say

As a last aspect, it's time to take a look at what the experts say about what the real possibilities of the selection are. If we take a look at the main sports media or even at the statements of former players, It may be somewhat surprising that the name of Spain appears in many of the pools of favorites to win the tournament.

Most of these forecasts consider, in a positive way, the youth of the new team block, as well as aspects related to the unit that little by little are getting. Also, regarding a game attitude that Luis Enrique has instilled in the players and that makes this, every game that happens, have a clearer profile, who does not give up. Something essential to achieve results.

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