Cuauthémoc Blanco: one of the best players in the history of Mexico

Cuauthémoc Blanco: uno de los mejores jugadores de la historia de México

Last update 14 March, 2018 por Alberto Llopis

Cuauthémoc Blanco is one of the best players in the history of Mexico. Scorer and controversial in equal parts, has been capable of the best and the worst. Born a 17 of January of 1973, is in the club of the players who have continued to work through the four decades.

Character type and race, he has the goal between eyebrows. He is the top Mexican scorer in the history of the Copa Libertadores with 15 goles, second highest scorer in the Confederations Cup and second highest scorer in the history of America. It is also one of the top scorers in the history of Mexican selection 39 many. It is the only Mexican player to have scored in three World Cups different (Francia 98, Korea and Japan 2002 and South Africa 2010).

Apart from in the League of his country, played in the US and Spain without standing out in the ranks of Valladolid. In the Mexican and US Leagues he is one of the best players who have passed through there. Is the
inventor of the dribble known as the "cuahuteminha", which consists of catching the ball between the two legs and jumping over the rival.

The "cuahuteminha”, the dribble marks the house of the Aztec striker

But as we have said, he is a controversial guy at the same time as a scorer. Collect a multitude of actions that have undoubtedly attracted attention. He has been seen celebrating a goal doing the puppy, have them stiff with technicians and rivals and even mock a referee in your face. A well-known girlfriend of his broke his relationship with him live on TV. En 2004 was suspended for a whole year due to incidents that occurred in a Copa Libertadores match.

Cuauhtémoc Blanco se burló de un árbitro en su cara
Cuauhtémoc Blanco mocked a referee in his face

In Mexico he is a very charismatic player, that has everything, followers and detractors but he is historically one of the best players in the history of Mexican soccer. By international matches, goals and talent. His popularity is so wide that he even participated in a soap opera. Cuauthémoc Blanco genius and figure.

Cuauhtémoc Blanco soap opera star

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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