Detained former player of Granada after not wanting to pay 4 prostitutes with whom he spent the night

Detenido ex jugador del Granada tras no querer pagar a 4 prostitutas con las que pasó la noche
Isac Success wanted to spend a crazy night with 4 prostitutes but it got out of hand and he ended up arrested. Foto:

Last update 9 October, 2017 por Alberto Llopis

Elite footballers are young, They are fit and have a lot of money which causes many times, While not all know how to manage this kind of life at such a young age. This is the case of Isac Success, young Nigerian player who played for Granada and now plays for Watford, club that has been many years associated with Grenadians. The young hired four prostitutes who paid an amount close to 2500 euros and which later accused of stealing and things ended badly.

As reported “The Sun”, Nigeria ended up being arrested by police after rioting in a London hotel for the claims of the four companions who hired. In an advanced state of drunkenness, Always according to the newspaper English, the front got out of control when considering that the four girls who had hired were scamming him.

"He accused us of stealing and asked for their money devolviéramos", Alexis Domerge declared one of the four women who was with him in the room. "All we undressed as soon as money came into our bank accounts Phone", he sentenced.

Michaela Carter another girl who hired Success, de 30 años, was another who was present at the Sopwell House Hotel: "He talked all night about how much you earn and how much fun we were going to tener.Parecía a little shy and awkward, probably because it has only 21 years".

football hung

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