Several players arrested for alleged League amaños

Detenidos varios futbolistas de la Liga por supuestos amaños
Borja Fernández has been arrested for alleged a plot of amaños. FOTO: La Razón

Last update 28 May, 2019 por Alberto Llopis

Pump has been sports news of the day. The National Police have arrested several players in the league for alleged amaños. Entre League players arrested would the former Real Madrid among others, Raul Bravo as alleged ringleader of this criminal organization, a Borja Fernandez, Samu Size (different media discarded detention), Carlos Aranda e Iñigo López Mountain. Also they have been arrested Agustin Lasosa Huesca president and head of medical services of the Aragonese entity.

Al parecer, They were allegedly engaged in match-fixing in First and Second

Supposedly, engaged in match-fixing both first and second, thus obtaining economic benefits through sports betting. 'The Newspaper‘ meanwhile, He says that it is match-fixing belonging to the seasons 2016-17 y 2017-18.

Según ‘SER Chain‘, the operation is carried out in a joint operation between UDEV (Specialist Crime Unit and Violenta), the investigating court number 5 Huesca and the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor. ‘Aragon Radio‘ meanwhile, reported that the headquarters SD Huesca was being operated and registered by the National Police.

The agency 'EFE’ It is reported that according to police sources, all detainees are accused belonging to a criminal organization, private corruption and money laundering. The National Police would be developing this operation 4 provinces (Madrid, Huesca, Valladolida and Malaga).

For your part, the president of the LFP, Javier Tebas, I affirm that: “We have been dealing with this for more than a year. We cannot tell anything because there is a summary secret and the Police are doing their job.”

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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