The coronavirus in football

El coronavirus en el fútbol
Health workers disinfected Stadium Napoli. FOTO: blessed football

Last update 5 March, 2020 por Alberto Llopis

Desgraciadamente, el coronavirus SARS-2 which can cause pneumonia COVID-19 in the most serious cases, already it is taken over our daily lives. An unknown virus that experts say has a wide infection rate and despite having a relatively low mortality rate and that has nothing to do with the severity of ebola which we discussed some time ago, created psychosis and a real headache in the world. And how could it be otherwise, Also in the world of football.

The Swiss league was the first to suspend its competitions

Although Switzerland is not a country, football teams of the main divisions of Swiss football competitions decided to suspend this country even the least 23 March as anticipation of possible contagion within their stadiums.

Closed-door matches in Italian football

En el momento de la redacción de este artículo, Italy is the European country with the most people affected by this coronavirus There are thousands of them and unfortunately there are more than a hundred deaths.. Although virtually almost all cases are recorded in north country, the transalpine country decided that all games are played in Serie A so far closed. Not so the Series B that until now, They have continued playing as normal. Not in vain, several players from the U-23 team tested positive Juve.

Closed-door matches against Italian teams (at least those of the northern country)

In this case we found some inconsistencies. For example the second leg of the Champions League between Valencia and Atalanta will be played behind closed doors to avoid the presence of thousands of supporters of the club arrived from one of the areas most at risk of infection. Not in vain, several people were infected in the first leg and imported the case to the city of the Turia as the case of the sports journalist Kike Mateu.

It has also been affected a basketball game between Valencia Basket and Olimpia Milano. However it is strange that they have not banned falleros events in the city or the arrival of fans who could blend in with the population and watch the game on the outskirts of Mestalla or people in that area can continue taking a plane and traveling freely any part of the continent.

He coronavirus also cause the Getafe-Inter is played without an audience because Milan is located in the epicenter of the marked red zone in northern Italy. Sin embargo, It does not seem to go to be no restriction on the Sevilla-Barcelona-Rome and Naples Italian fans bring in large amounts to the two cities. The official excuse, not come from the marked red zone in the transalpine country.

In Spain cases continue to increase although at the moment everything remains normal

Spanish football is ongoing and the parties are disputing normally to understanding those responsible for the Ministry of Health that the country remains in the containment phase, at the least the end of this article. Really we see what happens with this virus so far, He has challenged throughout Europe since it was identified in China in late 2019 and that practically has spread throughout the world and.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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