The best hobbies in Argentina

Las mejores aficiones de Argentina
Imperial Guard. One of the best hobbies in Argentina. FOTO: Clarin

Last update 5 July, 2020 por Alberto Llopis

What are the best hobbies in Argentina? As each list, work it always has its subjective part because it is very difficult to agree to as many people. Especially if we talk about a subject like this and in a country where football is a religion, where to go to the field to support your team is a ritual. An issue that would write rivers and rivers of ink and an issue that no one would ever agree.

Mythical are those already known as “Argentine insults” that have filled memes and memes related to the world of football. And is that for Argentines, it's not just a sport where they play 11 vs 11 on a playing field, but in an authentic way of living.

The best hobbies in Argentina

Take a look at our video where we summarize what they are for us, the best interests, barra or bravas from Argentina

As they say everyone likes, colors, we would like them to leave us your comments, always with due respect and without insults, of which are for you, the best Swollen, hobbies, bars or whatever you call them Argentina.

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Argentine hooligans

The truth is that the Brave Bars they are a real quebradero for Spanish justice. Argentine animation groups, present in this article, they give color and atmosphere to the stadiums but also produce other types of problems in parallel that generally end in crimes. We recommend that you take a look at this report that the Spanish journalist made a few years ago. Jon Sistiaga. An interesting trip to the world of the Argentine Barras Bravas and everything that surrounds these dangerous groups of supposed fans who dominate the world of Argentine soccer but also an important part of social life..

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol


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