The miracle of Llagostera, the new revelation of Spanish football

El milagro del Llagostera, la nueva revelación del fútbol español

Last update 7 April, 2015 por Alberto Llopis

The UE Llagostera is the new revelation of Spanish football. The Catalan team, has become by surprise and out of all predictions in one of the cockerels of the Liga Adelante, the Spanish Second Division where after achieving in the first months of 2015 the number of 29 Points of 33 potential. Despite starting the season bad, the Catalan squad has straightened its course until it is close to the promotion positions for promotion to the First Division. A fact that would be the culmination of a dreamy decade full of successes.

And it is that despite being founded in 1947, the club, spent practically its entire history in regional categories until the early years of the 21st century. En la temporada 2004/05, the team participated in the Second Catalan Regional but it was going to be the beginning of a story that was going to take it to professional football. They achieved five promotions in seven years which took them from regional category to Third Division, of which he was to be proclaimed champion in 2011 and he was going to achieve promotion to the bronze category of Spanish football, la Segunda B.

A category where Llagostera was only going to be three seasons before achieving promotion to professional football in 2014 completing a meteoric trajectory. His great season so far in the Second Division, They make foresee that at least the team will continue next year in professional football although dreaming is free and with so many days ahead, you can't give up anything.

If the Catalan team will be promoted to First, would overcome the machado of Eibar, who with the most modest budget that is remembered in the elite of European football managed to ascend to First although the gunsmith team is one of the teams with the longest history in the silver category. We will wait for June although for now, what has been achieved by the UE Llagostera is more than meritorious.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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