Sevilla in Champions League positions

El Sevilla en puestos de Champions
Sevilla is one of the best teams in the League. FOTO:AS

Last update 6 April, 2021 por Alberto Llopis

Barely missing 9 days for the end of the Spanish Football League and it is now a good time to reflect on the performance of the best teams. If we have to choose a team that has had a great season, it will always be Sevilla FC.

Sevilla FC has been and is one of the great teams in the national competition. Protagonist on websites like Bet365 for your matches both in national competition and European events, because it gives a great expectation.

The performance of the Sevilla team is being much higher than planned and its head coach is Julen Lopetegui. The coach has managed to compose a very solid team and an overwhelming game and attack that has helped him to be above many of his rivals even with a bigger budget.

In different sections of the competition it has behaved as a very solvent team, good game and scorer. Very confident in controlling the game and approaching opponents. Julen Lopetegui has achieved great things with the Swiss team with the achievement of the Europa League.

This year it continues with a very strong Seville that has placed it at this stage of the competition, in a worthy four place that gives him the ticket to play the Champions League next season. This has always been the first goal of the team, being in our Champions League is the step of another level that was asked of the team. It seems that this challenge is going to get it without much trouble..

Perhaps the black point that can be named for this team is a game and performance ball that has suffered just at very key moments of the season. This downturn in play and physicality made him lose his chance to play the Champions League tie against Borussia Dortmund and perhaps the biggest football disappointment has been the elimination against FC Barcelona in the semifinal of the Copa del Rey, with a big advantage the team just sank, suffering the worst defeat of his season.

A día de hoy, Sevilla has taken flight again and has managed to achieve the game and performance of the season, being a true unbeatable team. At the key moment of the season, Sevilla FC is being one of the most regular and can even compete for third place if he continues in this game.

There are almost 30 points at stake and the possibilities for Sevilla FC are many to achieve their goal and achieve one of their best seasons in the Spanish league. Another key factor for the team has been the work of technical secretary Monchi, that once again has managed to do magic and obtain great players at a good price that are giving a spectacular lake performance that is no longer a surprise.

A great Sevilla FC is expected for the next few years in Spanish football.

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