The story taconazo for Guti

El taconazo para la historia de Guti
Guti's heel was an action for history. FOTO: As

Last update 4 August, 2021 por Alberto Llopis

He taconazo de Guti it was a spectacular action. The Madrilenian went down in history for being a player capable of the best and the worst in the same game. Sin embargo, Actions like this sublime backheel so overrun justify buying a ticket to see one player. It happened one night in January 2011 en el riazor stadium. little, He stood alone in front of Aranzubia and when everyone thought made his shot stick adjust, surprised with a back pass so that Karim Benzema mark at pleasure.

El taconazo de Guti, a genius of a misunderstood genius


The question comes to see the play is that as it is possible that the madridista medium was able to see a companion who was his back to him. Sin embargo, la respuesta es sencilla: because it is Jose Maria Gutierrez, little, and with him on the field anything was possible on a pitch. It was not the only heel for Guti's history. En la temporada 2005-06 assistance heel was invented Zidane to beat Sevilla puts the willies.

taconazo de Guti
This was the sequence of Guti's heel that ended in Goal by Benzema against Depor at the Riazor stadium. FOTO: Capture Channel +

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982
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