El Top 10 of soccer derbies in Europe

El Top 10 de derbis de fútbol en Europa
The best soccer derbies in Europe

Last update 29 October, 2021 por Alberto Llopis

Every year European football brings great matches that transcend sports and have an important social component. All leagues have their big days, through derbies facing historic rivals, and that raise the level of passion and intensity for the fans. They are parties that generate a great movement in audiences, tracking or betting on Bet 365. These are the best derbies in Europe.

Spain attends each season with great attention to the LaLiga Classic, what faces Real Madrid and FC Barcelona. They are two of the three teams that have participated in all editions of the Spanish competition, and the main candidates for the title. It is a party that paralyzes the world and has millionaire audiences, not only in europe; on a planetary scale. They have faced each other in the League, Cup and Champions; but never in a european final. Este es, sin duda, the great challenge that fans have been waiting for many years.

The classics of the Premier

The closest thing to a Barça-Madrid in England is el Liverpool-Manchester United, considered the great game of England. They are the two greats of English football, that in the past century took a good part of the successes. And is that the Premier League, that every year competes with LaLiga for being the benchmark, It has a multitude of derbies and there is one that stands out among them all. By proximity and history, the matches between Arsenal and Tottenham are different. Two neighborhoods separated by a few Metro stops, in a country with as much passion as England. The result is a very intense match, marked in red for the two hobbies. In the United Kingdom there is another of the games with the most history of European football, the one that faces Celtic and Glasgow Rangers, an event where religious issues come into play.

A series: Rome and Milan

The third major European league is Italy, which also has many important matches. While there is one that attracts attention. Es the capital derby. Who would not like to see a Roma-Lazio live? In a country of passions, this game leads all feelings and goes beyond the purely football theme, since it has an important political accent behind that has traditionally surrounded this party. In the north there is another game that also paralyzes the country and that has many similarities with the Roman derby. It's Inter-Milan, known as the Derbi de la Madonnina. Two teams that share a city and stadium; and that every season they fight to be the best in town.

Other relevant parties

In addition to the games of the main leagues, there are other clashes in Europe that create a spectacular atmosphere. Galatasaray y Fenerbahce, both from Istanbul, star in one of the derbies with the most atmosphere and, possibly, the most dangerous. As much as the Red Star – Partizan, who fight for hegemony in Belgrade and who dispute the so-called Eternal Derby. They are very hot matches that fill the stadium and its surroundings with sound and light for many hours before. There is also a lot of spice in the Ajax-Feyenoord, the party that marks the dominance in Holland; as well as in the Porto-Benfica, the duel between the two best teams in Portugal.

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