Will the last World Spain with Catalan?

¿El último Mundial de España con catalanes?

Last update 6 June, 2014 por Julio Muñoz

The next 9 de noviembre, the president of the Generalitat de Catalunya, Artur More, plans to call a referendum on the self-determination of the Catalan people. A measure that, if a majority yes, would put the current political structure in check and open the door to the emergence of a new state called Catalunya.

A new era also for Spain that would have repercussions in all areas, including football. And it is that if the separation of Catalonia finally took place, We could attend the last World Cup in Brazil where Catalan and Spanish players compete under the same luggage. Traditionally, The presence of Catalan players has been the majority and fundamental, as indicated by the data that indicates that of the 748 players used by the Red more than 150 were from that geographic area (más del 15%).

In all the World Cups or European Cups there has been at least one of them and in the last World Championship in South Africa seven of them could be counted (for the five that will be in Brazil), some with important roles like Puyol's, Author of the goal that gave the pass to the grand final.

There is no doubt that if this hypothesis occurs, Spain would see its football capacity reduced and achieving great successes would be tremendously more difficult, although Catalunya would not come out very well if we take into account that part of its best players are already over thirty years old.


The situation could still worsen for Spain if another autonomous community with a historical independence tradition such as the Basque Country followed in the Catalan wake, Well, there are many players from Bilbao and San Sebastian, mainly, who have defended the colors of the Red with enormous success (in the World Cup 1934 por ejemplo, 12 de los 22 selectors were Basque).

Could those born in Catalonia continue to play with Spain?

It is the great question that many ask. Could players born in Catalan territory continue to play games with La Roja?? The answer is quite confusing. The Spanish Government has already stated that it will not allow dual Catalan-Spanish nationality because it goes against the legal system despite the fact that some Catalan sectors demand it.. Así pues, It seems that the only alternative would be for players born in Catalonia to reject their own nationality and choose to continue playing for Spain., something that may seem like a utopia but has happened in other countries, mainly from the Russian orbit.

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Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in Colgadosporelfutbol.com and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982
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