Javi Martinez did they come secretly to his old house, o no?

Last update 15 December, 2023 por Alberto Llopis

El Athletic de Bilbao aseguró este martes que el actual jugador del Bayern de Múnich y excentral rojiblanco Javi martinez entró sin permiso del club en Lezama el pasado sábado por la noche, jumping the fence that protects the sports facilities.

Javi Martínez habría entrado a escondidas en la ciudad deportiva bilbaína

According to sources from the rojiblanco club, who cite the report prepared by the security company about the incident that occurred last Saturday night, “an individual jumped the outside fence” of the sports city of Lezama on the 00:15 hours, so it was reduced by the employee of the security company that monitors the facilities.

He “individuo”, when reduced, se identifico como Javi martinez, according to the version of the rojiblanco club provided by these sources, e informó al guarda de que había acudido a Lezama a recoger sus pertenencias personales. Given these explanations, The guard gave him access to the facilities, the cited sources specify

The Bilbao club stated that the former red and white player had not previously communicated his intention to go to Lezama to collect his belongings., nor did he have authorization to enter the sports facilities.

Javi Martínez desmiente haber entrado a escondidas en Lezama

This version contradicts the one provided this Tuesday by Javier Martínez from Germany, through the press office of the Munich club, según la cual, was at the venue “Saturday night between half past ten and eleven”.

“They opened me in a totally normal way. To enter like a thief, ni hablar”, the player points out, de 24 años, en la comunicación de la oficina de prensa del club de la Bundesliga. The international player published this Tuesday, además, on your official social network account “Twitter” what “It's amazing that there are people who believe that story is true.…”, in reference to the fact that he jumped the Lezama fence to enter the premises, as the rojiblanco club confirmed.

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in Colgadosporelfutbol.com and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982
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