Fallece Esquerdinha to them 46 años

Fallece Esquerdinha a los 46 años
Esquerdinha in a match against Athletic. FOTO: The North of Castile

Last update 29 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Fallece Esquerdinha. Sad news received from Brazil. The former Real Zaragoza, Januário José Marcelo de Araujo, better known as Esquerdinha He died in the early hours of Wednesday to Thursday in the night of Halloween, in his hometown, João Pessoa, the regional capital of Paraiba, while he is playing a game of fans.

Fallece Esquerdinha to them 46 años

Esquerdinha that tenía 46 años, he retired from the game and get to the costume had a heart attack. He was evacuated by ambulance to a nearby hospital where he died just after 0:00 from Thursday 1. Its passage by Real Zaragoza not passed into history for his brilliance, in fact was one of the great pufos who passed as the picture maño years we tell in this article. Sin embargo, se convirtió en una especie de jugador de culto en las listas de peores fichajes tanto del equipo maño como de la Liga española.

Firmó en el verano del 2001 for the number of 500 millones de pesetas. Pero su fichaje no fue fructífero ni a nivel económico ni a nivel deportivo. Esquerdinha solo jugó 22 encuentros con la elástica maña, anotando un gol. Acabó marchándose en el verano siguiente, tras descender a Segunda en 2002 y dejarle el Real Zaragoza sin ficha. MANA entity issued a statement giving their condolences on the death of her former player at the beginning of the XXI century. DEP.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Colgadosporelfutbol.com. Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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