Happy New Year 2014!

¡Feliz año 2014!

Last update 31 December, 2013 por Alberto Llopis

It's over 2013. In this year that leaves us, from Colgadosporelfutbol, We want to thank the more than 700.000 readers who decided to use our website and chose our personal style of telling the things that happen around the king of sports. We make it worse or better, but always our way. We also want to congratulate all our collaborators, expanded to different parts of the world, from Mexico to the UK, passing as not, por España, as well as to all those who have been interested in this project that every day and thanks to you, is getting bigger. For all of you and for everyone in general, We wish you a Happy New Year and a prosperous 2014!!

Colgadosporelfutbol.com team

football hung

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