Football 90's: Roberto Rios, Rafa Alkorta and Abelardo

Fútbol de los 90´s: Roberto Ríos, Rafa Alkorta y Abelardo

Last update 6 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Roberto Rios, Rafa Alkorta and Abelardo were three defenses of the Spanish League 90's, three classic of Spanish football and the Spanish selection of 90's which was directed by Javier Clemente, a lover of defensive football even managed to align all three in the same XI ever.

Roberto Rios was the most expensive Spanish football defense and one of the biggest fiascos

Roberto, Eusebio Rios son who played for nine seasons at Real Betis, It was one of the best Spanish defenses in recent seasons of 90's Like his father, She highlighted with the shirt of Real Betis, so much, Athletic Bilbao who noticed him.

Roberto Ríos fue el defensa más caro del fútbol español.
Roberto Rios was the most expensive defense of Spanish football.

He born in Bilbao and son of Basque, was eligible to play in the Bilbao club despite having grown almost Sevilla and Betis School. In the late 90's the cache had risen so much that the Basque club was able to pay 2000 million of the old pesetas for him

The case drew attention at the time to be a multimillion-dollar amount for defense, algo inusual. The truth is that it was not very good in the good Rios Bilbao. He was a tall defense, fuerte, corpulent and good physical performance, but technical walked very short.

So when you began to drag injury problems ran out. He was a player lots bought for crack, a disaster for Bilbainos. Lopera, Betis president, ironizar he reached after his move to Athletic arguing that the Basques had paid 1000 million by the defense and other 1000 for being Basque. He played with Clemente who came to put it somewhere mediocentro another party.

What happened to Roberto Rios?. It is the assistant Pepe Mel on the surprising Eurobetis. He entered as a second coach 2010 with the team in second and is the right hand of Madrid Betis coach, last season nailed it.

Roberto Ríos es la mano derecha de Pepe Mel.
Roberto Rios is the right hand of Pepe Mel.

Rafa Alkorta, a classic 90's

Rafa Alkorta triumphed in the ranks of Athletic Bilbao in the early 90's. forceful and correct defense, It was a fixture in the Spanish national team, especially in the time of Clement.

This led him to sign for Real Madrid where he stayed from 1993 hasta 1997, year in which he returned to the Basque club. International in 54 occasions with the Spanish selection, was a regular Javier Clemente, coach with a strong concept for defensive football and tough as old.

Rafa Alkorta se las vio tiesas con Romario en más de una ocasión.
Rafa Alkorta was pricked with Romario saw them on more than one occasion.

Jugó 364 Primera Division matches and attended several World and European Championships. He noted for his strength, seasoned football and play hard times.

What was Rafa Alkorta?. For Rafa Alkorta is a regular commentator on Canal Plus which says Primera Division matches and participates as contertulio channel programs.

Rafa Alkorta participa habitualmente en el programa "El día del fútbol".
Rafa Alkorta usually involved in the program “The Soccer Day”.

Abelard, a fixture in the Barcelona and selection

He “Seven” Abelardo was a player of today is hard to find. Born in Gijon, It was at Sporting where he excelled in the early 90's. This led him to sign for the club where he played many seasons, desde 1994 hasta 2002. After left Alaves where retired in 2003.

tough player, noble, brave fighter, a extirpated as old, It was far from the canon and glamor of the current player.

Pitu Abelardo siempre lo daba todo.
Pitu Abelardo always gave everything.

He was international in 54 occasions, almost all with Javier Clemente, as our other two protagonists, for which was fixed. He played two World Cups and participated in the Olympic team champion Barcelona Olympics 1992. ¿Qué fue de “Seven” Abelard?. It works for Sporting Gijon, exercising the role of assistant coach set gijonés.

Abelardo dirige al filial sportinguista.
Abelardo directs the subsidiary sportinguista.

If you want to read more about football 90's click aquí

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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