The most tattooed players in the world

Los futbolistas más tatuados del Mundo
Andre Gray sports some of the most striking tattoos on his back. FOTO: Facebook

Last update 2 September, 2021 por Alberto Llopis

In the XXI century, make a list of the tattooed players in the world es una tarea harto complicado. Since tattooing has become very common, especially among footballers. Far, muy lejos, there are already those bald and mustache soccer players, fondones and full of hairs that could be your neighbor. Instead we now find muscular footballers, con weird hairstyles and full of tattoos. Like these that we bring you in the list.

The most tattooed footballers in the world

Arturo vidal

los futbolistas con los mejores tatuajes del mundo
Arturo Vidal is a big fan of tattooing as seen. FOTO:

Nigel De Jong

futbolistas más tatuados
Nigel De Jong is one of the most tattooed players in the world and also the most divided. FOTO: Futbolred

Memphis savings

futbolistas más tatuados
Memphis Tattoo spectacular Depay, uno de los futbolistas más tatuados del Mundo. FOTO: Sport

Ricardo Quaresma

futbolistas más tatuados
Ricardo Quaresma, Portuguese is one of the players addicted to ink. FOTO: El Español

Daniel Agger

futbolistas más tatuados del mundo
Daniel Agger, all tattooed Viking. One of the most tattooed players in the world. FOTO: AS

Djibril Cisse

Cisse, un fanático de la tinta en su cuerpo.
Cisse, a fan of ink on her body.

Carlos Tevez

Tévez lleva un buen tatuaje.
Tévez takes a good tattoo.

Ezequiel Lavezzi

Lavezzi también es asiduo a la tinta.
Lavezzi is also regular ink.

Dani Alvés

Dani Alvés y sus tatuajes.
Dani Alves and his tattoos.

David Beckham

David Beckham, ícono de moda y de futbolista tatuado a pesar de haberse retirado ya.
David Beckham, fashion icon and tattooed footballer despite having retired and.

Sergio Ramos

Sergio Ramos jugadores con más tatuajes
Sergio Ramos is one of the players with the most tattoos. FOTO: Instagram Sergio Ramos

Raul Meireles

A Raúl Meireles pronto no le quedará sitio donde tatuarse.
Raul Meireles soon will have no place to get tattooed. FOTO: Google


El ex jugador del Real Madrid y Besiktas fue uno de los primeros futbolistas en apuntarse a la moda.
The former player of Real Madrid and Besiktas and now coach named Jose Maria Gutierrez, He was one of the first players to sign up for fashion. FOTO:As

Zlatan Ibrahimovic

Aunque en la foto lleva algunos de mentira por una buena causa, el bueno de Ibrahimovic es asiduo a tatuarse también.
Although the picture takes some lie for a good cause, the good Ibrahimovic is also a regular at tattoo.

Roger Martí

futbolistas más tatuados
Roger Martí, another player with ink all over his body. FOTO: brand TV

Tim Howard

futbolistas con muchos tatuajes
Tim Howard is another one of the ink addicts. FOTO: Clarion

Radja Nainggolan

Radja Nainggolan tatuajes
Radja Nainggolan is another of the most tattooed footballers in the world. FOTO: Clarion

Mauro Icardi

icardi tatuaje
Mauro Icardi, uno de los futbolistas más tatuados del mundo. Ink uses his body. FOTO: People's daily

Tattoos are nothing only players

If years ago tattoos they were unthinkable for players, at least in the amount that lead today, Even less was for coaches, those serious types in tracksuit or suit and tie. A trend that has been changing with the passage of time and also encouraged by the arrival of former players to the bench . We can take these examples

Luis Enrique, entrenador de élite y amante de los tatuajes.
Luis Enrique, elite coach and lover of tattoos.

El Cholo también ha tirado de tinta.
El Cholo has also drawn ink.

Hasta Mourinho se ha apuntado al tema de tatuarse.
Until Mourinho has targeted the topic of tattooing. FOTO: Brand

los futbolista más tatuados
Sampaoli is one of the coaches fans of tattoos. FOTO: supercar

Gone are the days of the players of yesteryear

Of course, if we take a time machine and traveled to the past, or better any future possibly come to flee aghast it is that the footballer was once something else. For some better, for others worse. Just one time. Surely the lovers fútbol retro They are left with the second option.

El perfil del futbolista era sin duda otra cosa hace muchas décadas.
The profile of the footballer was certainly another thing many decades. FOTO:AS

futbolistas de los años 60
Puskas, one of the great players before. Other style. FOTO: Revista Doll

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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