Grandes fluffy League: Mauricio Cuero

Grandes pufos de la Liga: Mauricio Cuero
Mauricio Cuero fue un desastre de fichaje para el Levante. FOTO:

Last update 16 December, 2023 por Alberto Llopis

The most expensive signing in the history of a club must be an element important for a player pressure but over hard 6 months at the club and your performance is more than discreet, your name is not engraved with golden letters in the history of the club. Esto es lo que ocurrió en el caso de Mauricio Cuero que en el momento de su fichaje por el Levante en el mercado de invierno de 2016, It became the most expensive signing in club history, at least in terms of transfers paid.

Mauricio Cuero no triunfó en LaLiga española

The Colombian, He came to a team that needed a boost to get out of the lower part of the season 2015/16. But their participation was more less, holder and counting starting just at the decisive moments for Rubi, by then coach Levante. Only when the descent was a fact, had greater share something that justified the 3,2 million euros that had cost his move.

Con 13 parties, zero goals and 6 month stay at the club, his move was a fiasco. The team fell in May 2016, lo vendió en verano al Santos Laguna mexicano donde tampoco hizo nada especial y siguió su carrera sin mayor brillo. One year later, el Levante volvió a Primera en abril de 2017 con un récord al conseguirlo 6 days before the end of the League.

Posteriorly, el Levante firmó a otros jugadores por un importe mayor al que había costado Cuero y Vukcevic con 9 millions of euros, le quitó el primer puesto en la lista de the most expensive signings in the history of Levante.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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