The deaf-mute who expelled for protesting

El sordomudo que expulsaron por protestar
Damir Desnica went down in history as the deaf-mute who was expelled for protesting. FOTO: Brand

Last update 15 December, 2023 por Alberto Llopis

The story of the deaf-mute who was expelled for protesting. This is how we title the following story, worthy of a scene from any comic movie if it weren't for the certainty that it existed. A European night happened at the Santiago Bernabéu stadium, as otherwise, these things usually happen. Real Madrid had lost in the 1/16 UEFA Cup final 1984 ante el HNK Rijeka Croatian by 3-1.

Damir Desnica deaf player expelled for protesting

Faced, well the return with the obligation once again to overcome if he wanted to continue. The HNK was a team that emerged that season in Yugoslavia and dared to discuss the dominance of Partizan of Belgrade and Red Star. In their ranks, there were several interesting players like the left-handed winger Damir Desnica. Right, who had an easy time seeing goal, stood out among other things for being deaf-mute from birth.

Madrid left as usual in a hurry and that was how he managed to put the 1-0. Sin embargo, minute running 75 match and the result did not move. At that moment the history of the match and the tie would change.. The referee Schoeters pointed corner for Rijeka. Right, who was the usual pitcher went to the pennant and suddenly saw how the referee had taken the yellow. Stunned and surprised, he was even more stunned when Schoepers twice thoughtlessly expelled him for protesting.

Desnica no olvidará nunca esta jugada.
Desnica will never forget this move. FOTO: Brand

Absolute madness given that Right I couldn't make an understandable sound. It was the start of some 15 minutes of madness that ended with three Croatians sent off and with Madrid in the eighths. But without a doubt, more than the result, This meeting will be remembered for the one in the history of deaf-mute that they expelled for protesting. Seeing to believe that things happened those years on the soccer fields

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982
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