Santi Aragon that goal against Barcelona in 1990

Aquel Golazo de Santi Aragón frente al Barcelona en 1990
Santi Aragón in that match against Barça. FOTO:

Last update 22 November, 2021 por Alberto Llopis

Remember the goal by Santi Aragon against Barcelona in 1990?, Do you remember who was the midfielder raised in the quarry of Madrid then triumphed in Zaragoza. Football decades ago was very different from what you know and title as the Supercopa of Spain, It was played at the end of the year.

The first leg of that Super Cup, remembered for Stoichkov's stomp

We put ourselves in position and moved to December 1990. Second leg of the Supercopa faced Real Madrid Champion League season held 1989/90 against FC Barcelona champion of the Copa del Rey this season. The second leg was played at the Santiago Bernabéu after a more than rugged first leg marked by the Stoichkov's piston at Urizar Azpitarte. This cost the Bulgarian a good sanction who did not play in the second leg..

That great goal from Santi Aragón against Barça

Así pues, at the Santiago Bernabéu players of the stature of Michel met ,Hugo Sánchez, Vulture and iron against Laudrup, Zubizarreta, Alexanco, jeans, Koeman and Julio Salinas among others. The coaches of both teams, they were two of the best players in history, for Real Madrid, Don Alfredo Di Stéfano for Barcelona, Johan Cruyff.

But the great protagonist of that night was going to be a then very young player named Santi Aragon, which would mark a real goal that stay forever in the retinas of football fans, whether on a computer or another.

aquel golazo de Santi Aragón
Santi Aragón's goal in 1990 that gave the Super Cup to Real Madrid against Barcelona.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol


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