Vlado Manchev, the Bulgarian who did not succeed in Levante

Vlado Manchev, el búlgaro que no triunfó en el Levante
Manchev in training with Levante. FOTO: AS

Last update 25 May, 2020 por Alberto Llopis

Vlado Manchev is a tall Bulgarian striker who came to Levante in the summer of 2004. Talk about it, is to talk about one of the most peculiar players that Levante's fans can remember. this front, born on 6 de octubre de 1977, granota team arrived at in summer 2004, from the French Lille, where he had signed some excellent numbers.

Vlado Manchev was convinced that he was signing for Leganés

His move to Levante started something descolocado. There is a story that Manchev, he received a call from his agent informing him that he would play in the Levant. The Bulgarian, surely he ran for Google's whereabouts in the city of Levante. Not finding, swift and fast he called his representative to inform him that he was wrong, the team must be the Leganés, the city did not exist Levante.

His representative told him that was the Levant, and that the city was Valencia, what the Bulgarian replied that played Valencia Valencia and was going to Leganés. So convinced was he told his relatives he would play in Leganés. Showing results, More than one would have wished that this would have been.

In the end this lanky Bulgarian arrived at Levante, after the failure of signing Diego Forlan, which it had been announced as signing of the granotas without being signed and eventually saturate leaving Villarreal completely ridiculous, one of some, a Pedro Villarroel. Such was the story, that after a brilliant start with Manchev League 5 goals in 5 parties, making the then president of Levante, Announced with great hype that this Bulgarian footballer who had signed, was better than Diego Forlan. Subsequent trajectories of both players spoke for themselves

A brilliant and promising start in the Spanish League

Y es que Vlado Manchev He started strong crushing the nets of the rivals, making it seem that it was a thing that was not. Framework 5 goals in his first 5 matches and then scored one more in the rest of the tournament, inexplicably missing others. that season, Levante down to second, just after Forlan put boots in the last game of the League 2005 to health dismantling the arguments of the then president of the Levant. He stayed one more year in Levante, contributing in his own way to rise of Levante 2006 in Lleida to then go through Celta and Real Valladolid without succeeding in either.

Vlado Manchev
Vlado Manchev played for Levante, Celta Vigo and Real Valladolid. No came to prominence in none.


Vlado Manchev and wife

Curiously in his country and despite being international, the famous was not him but his wife. Apodada como “La Mancheva” by the granota fans, she was a well-known bulgarian model very famous for appearing on shows in her country.

La mujer de Vlado Manchev destacó más que su marido.
Vlado Manchev's wife, a well-known Bulgarian model

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Colgadosporelfutbol.com. Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol


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