
Last update 21 September, 2022 por Alberto Llopis

The images of last weekend in the Romareda have gone around half the world about the decline in which some Spanish teams are falling. With only one game played this season, The lawn of the Maño stadium presented an absolutely deplorable appearance, worthy of a tomato field more than a football field..

Yes, in the first match of the year against Valladolid, the grass already had enough problems and bald spots that made it difficult to make a colorful game, what happened last Saturday bordered on the grotesque, lo intolerable. Can't play a 1 September a first division football match in a state as catastrophic as the one experienced.

This time the culprit was not the temperatures or the ice, not even the rains that have damaged the grass. The culprit, according to those responsible for maintaining the field, is a fungus that little by little eats away at the grass on the pitch.. So far the excuse or reason, everyone as they see it.

The problem comes when this small incident is not only solved and becomes a big inconvenience.. And it is that a reseeding of the lawn or last minute patches is not enough. When you've had a whole summer with about four months without competition, logic indicates that there has been enough time to change the aforementioned grass. Ahora, with television focusing on what happens in the Romareda the consequences are disastrous: first because it offers an international image of the Liga BBVA and especially of Zaragoza pathetic, of equipment left to its fate. Segundo, because a soccer game turns into a beach soccer game where it is difficult to make two lost passes. And third, because the fan is being scammed again, who sees how he goes to a room where nothing is played. And the fan in the end gets fed up.

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982
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