Last update 22 October, 2015 by Alberto Llopis
Johan Cruyff has lung cancer. This kind of news is not anywhere near where we like to comment or give Colgados but in the case of one of the greats of football history, We could not ignore the news that has shaken the world of football today. The idol of FC Barcelona suffers from this terrible disease plaguing the world.
According to Catalunya Radio, the disease was diagnosed this week. Cruyff of 68 years and he had problems with snuff and was even seriously ill in the early 90 and it had to be emergency surgery for heart problems. This prompted the then coach of Barcelona quit smoking, a habit that had accompanied him for many years even in his playing.
The Dutch,It was a benchmark of Ajax and later FC Barcelona marked an era as first as a player and then as coach where his personal style, did you create the Dream Team and lead Barcelona to win the first European Cup in its history. In Spain also he played in the Levant in the early 80. International with Holland, It is also a legend with his selection in which was the benchmark for Clockwork Orange.