Lazio won the Italian Cup and left out of the Europa League to Rome

La Lazio gana la Copa de Italia y deja fuera de la Europa League a la Roma
Lazio won the Italian Cup and left out of the Europa League to Rome

Last update 26 May, 2013 por Julio Muñoz

Lazio has taken the Italian Cup with a victory that is worth three, since it has also imposed itself on its eternal rival, Rome, and thus get a place in the next edition of the Europa League.

Lazio coach, Bosnian Vladimir Petkovic, had said before the match that a loss would make the season a real failure, but with this victory the Roman team closes it in the best way.

The two teams took to the field with their luxury lineups and with a single point, so as not to discover too much: save Lazio, the German Miroslav Klose, while Roma preferred Mattia Destro instead of the Italian-Argentine Pablo Osvaldo. Fans wanted football and excitement and did not like the display of South Korean singer Psy at all, famous for its Gangnam Style, arrived expressly for this occasion and was greeted with whistles.

In a stadium completely divided between the white and blue colors of Lazio and the yellow and red of Roma, the fans did not stop singing their choirs for a moment and the famous banners dedicated to the adversary were not lacking, firecrackers, bengalas, but no incident, despite the fears.

Al minuto 6, Miro Klose had in his boots the first opportunity for the match, but his auction came out of little. On this occasion he responded in the minute 12, Bradley, Although the North American's shot went to the left of the stick. The teams were too focused on defense and few balls reached both ends, as if they were willing to repeat the tie they collected in the last match of the championship, but this time they knew it couldn't be.

The tension made the game ugly and tough with many tackles and the yellow cards flew., three for Lazio players and two for Roma in the first 45 minutos. Lazio was little by little waking up, while Roma seemed to be more concerned with not losing their balance and being punished by the German striker.

And it was the German panzer who had the clearest chance of the match when in the minute 35 when with a point-blank header he put the Roma goalkeeper in serious difficulties, that with a miracle saved his team from a sung goal. Roma's first big opportunity came at the end of the first half after suffering during the first 45 minutos, with a shot from Mattia Destro that went over the crossbar.

In the second half it started just like the first half ended, with Lazio much more on the attack putting pressure on a Rome that had a hard time leaving their field. Teams tried shooting from a distance due to defenses and the match was still unspectacular with teams tightly tied.. The teams left more spaces and the chances began to arrive, first with Francesco Totti in the minute 24 and then Destro in the minute 25, they found a solid Marchetti.

And then, with Roma less focused on defense, Lazio did not forgive and found his well-deserved goal with Lulic, who caught a rejection from the goalkeeper and did not forgive in the minute 77. The Roma coach, Aurelio Andreazzoli, tried to give greater depth to his team with the entry of Osvaldo to replace Federico Balzaretti, but the minutes passed and the team still did not have too many ideas and the side defense remained in place.

The Petkovic men only had to endure the attacks without too much aim from Roma to crown a triumph that is worth three.

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982
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