The Spanish team at the World Cup in Brazil 1950

La selección española en el Mundial de Brasil 1950

Last update 31 March, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Desde 2008 Spanish football is sweet, since that Euro won with goals from Fernando Torres in Austria. After that summer night, He came a World (2010) and other Euro (2012). Sin embargo, during decades, Spanish soccer lived sunk in misery under the curse of the quarterfinals. For a century, only were two oasis in the desert: la Eurocopa de 1964 and long before, the World Cup in Brazil, but the one of 1950.

Make 64 años, Spain came as 2014 to Brazil. World most notorious in history for his final, It was the only time to 2010 a Spanish team got through to the quarterfinals in the top flight football quotes. The World Cup in Brazil 1950 It was one of the most remembered in history for their own reasons. It was the first held after World War II. You might remember that only participated 13 selections, because many resigned, because they came selections that today would not be in a World Cup or dreams or because a final or semi-finals will not be played properly, but a round robin among the four teams that went to the finals. But if anything is remembered that World Cup, It was sounded by “Maracanazo“.

El Maracanazo supuso el segundo Mundial de Uruguay.
The Maracanazo marked the second World Cup in Uruguay.

Of the World, we draw the participation of Spain, a selection of players who in those hard times lived in the Spanish civil war. A team like 2014 which he crossed the Atlantic, but with far fewer means, which in 1950 and the situation was Spain, and was an achievement. And because even 2010, It was the best historical classification in a World Cup which was called at the time the “furia roja“.

Already in 1950, Spain came with the sign of being one of the most powerful teams, but nevertheless it was unseeded. It was drawn in Group 2, with England, US and Chile. The first match, pitted Spaniards and Americans with cotundente 1-3 with goals from Basra, Igoa and one of the best strikers in history, Telmo Zarra. Como 64 años después, Spain faces with Chile was in a World Cup in Brazil dispatching the South American selection 0-2.

Las buenas actuaciones de Ramallets le valieron el apodo del Gato de Maracaná.
Ramallets good performances earned him the nickname of Cat Maracana.

The big game would be against England. That hot afternoon 1950, Spain was going to write his greatest feat in its history in the world until the goal of Andrés Iniesta 2010. Spain faced England arrived with a constellation of stars. Fue el 2 de julio de 1950. In a match played power to power at the legendary Maracana, the tension could be cut with a knife in the environment.

In the second part, the tension continued to rise when suddenly, Alonso defense selection, He stole a ball and began a meteoric penetration from the side, He threw the ball on the left, Piru Gainza there appeared to head, cleared poor English Ramsey defense and Zarra appeared between puzzlement to change the direction of the ball and beat England goalkeeper Williams. With that goal for a whole country narrated by Matias Prats legendary father who listened to the game through an old radio of the time, Spain would get between the four best in the world.

El gol de Zarra a Inglaterra en el Mundial de 1950 pasó a la historia
Zarra's goal to England in the World 1950 He made history

As we have already said before, neither end nor semifinals were played, the tournament was going to play the four champions selections of their groups, another end liguilla. These four teams were : Brasil, Suecia, Uruguay and Spain. The final group stage was something else and the team led by Guillermo Eizaguirre would not win a game in the World.

In the best of Spain in the group stage, the Ramallets, Atom, Gainza and company, tied to two which would ultimately tournament champion, Uruguay. Then Maracaná, Spain would be thrashing by champions Brazil and it was believed before playing the final with Uruguay. Brazilian they thrashed by 6-1. That day, All Spanish options become world champions vanished. The last match, It would end with another win against against a Sweden, finally consolidated third place.

El grupo de jugadores y técnicos españoles que viajaron a Brasil en 1950.
The group of players and Spanish technicians who traveled to Brazil in 1950.

Finally, Uruguay was the champion after breaking a whole country the day “Maracanazo”, Brazil was the runner-up, Sweden took third place and a creditable fourth place conquered Spain. A fourth place during 60 años, It was the best classification of a Spanish selection. Already in the 21st century, 64 años después, Spain returns to Brazil. Will she close a mythical cycle 6 years winning another World Cup and become the best team in history after winning two European Championships and World?. Soon we know.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol


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