Las 10 Strongest soccer leagues in the world

Las 10 Ligas de fútbol más fuertes del mundo
The Premier League and the Spanish League have a titanic fight every season to dominate football (CyberCuba)

Last update 23 June, 2020 por Javi Argudo

Every year, the International Federation of Football History & Statistics (IFFHS) choose the best soccer leagues in the world. In this article we will review the TOP 10 what, a buen seguro, can surprise more than one:

La Liga

In its day it was known for La Liga de las Estrellas o The best league in the world. En efecto, según la IFFHS, occupies first place. Its first edition dates from the season 1928-1929 and since then it has regularly occupied the first positions. Real Madrid y Barcelona are the great dominators of the competition.

Serie A of Italy

It may surprise many that ‘Calcium’ occupy the second position ahead of other competitions such as the Premier League, por ejemplo. Sin embargo, always according to the IFFHS, so is. In the last times, la Juventus de Turin dominates the competition with an iron fist, winning the title year after year.

mejores ligas de fútbol
Italian Serie A was the best league in the world in 80 y principios de los 90. Now try to regain your lost level (Infobae)

Premier League

It has a large number of fans around the world and is, long, the one that generates more income at television and commercial level. One of the keys to their success may be their competitiveness, as each season there is a bouquet of contenders for the champion title.: Liverpool, Manchester United, Manchester City, Chelsea

Bundesliga alemana

One of the historical European football. His big problem is the overwhelming dominance of Bayern Munich that hardly gives options to the title to the rest of the clubs. Eso sí, taking away the german giant, the rest of the competition is very even and every year new talents emerge because the teams tend to give very young footballers a chance.

mejor liga del mundo
The logo of the German Bundesliga, one of the most recognizable on the world scene.

Serie A of Brazil

Can surprise, but the Brazilian First Division is considered the best league in America. Histories like Flamengo, Palm trees, Basque da Gama, Corinthians, São Paulo, Santos… are some of the members of a competition from which great promises leave for Europe every year.


Closing this list of 10 best soccer leagues in the world, we have to name, of course at Ligue 1 francesa (whose dominator in recent times is PSG), la first League Portugal ranks seventh, la First A of Colombia, la First Division of Argentina y, by last, la Eredivisie of Holland.

Javi Argudo

Football Geek. The first great experience of my life was to discover the PC Football. You can follow me on @JaviArgudo
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