LaLiga data in the context of the major European leagues

Los datos de LaLiga en el contexto de las grandes ligas europeas

Last update 6 September, 2023 por Alberto Llopis

LaLiga is transforming and the data is not positive if compared with other European competitions. Spanish football has entered into a very tactical concept, which results in an increase in strategy and a reduction in excitement for the fan, either neutral or one of the two participating teams. It is not strange that, applied to the sports forecasting sector, most users perform bets less than 2.5 goles in First Division matches. There is less presence in the areas and, por lo tanto, the score decreases. They are not the only aspects in which the competition loses when it enters compared to the Premier, its main rival for continental hegemony, or even with other countries like Italy or Germany.


Fewer and fewer goals are scored in the Spanish league. We have the most recent data in the season 2022-2023, especially in the first round of the championship. En los 190 matches played were scored a total of 452 many, what it means an average of 2,4 per meeting. Matches with five or more goals are far away. You don't have to go far to find them., since the transformation of LaLiga has occurred recently. In the first round of the course 16-17 one hundred more goals were scored. This data has been, in fact, the worst since 1991, a time when Spanish football was behind Italian or British football.

Another campaign that explains this change in trend is the 2019-2020, when Serie A, traditionally associated with 'catenaccio', He far surpassed the scoring records of the Spanish competition. In the Italian stadiums a total of 1.154 goles, while in the Spanish the fans saw that the ball exceeded the lime line in 942 occasions. More than two hundred goals difference.

Time played

One of the statistics that leaves Spanish football in the worst place is the time played.. Fouls, medical care, injuries... These are increasingly common situations in a LaLiga match and neither the referees nor the competition itself have found a solution. El resultado: the shortest effective playing time in the main European leagues. On the first day of the 23-24, The average game in Spain was 52 minutes and 31 seconds, while the British competitions, Italian and French surpassed the 54 minutos. The paradox of this data is that the LaLiga matches were the ones that lasted the longest. (an average of 99 minutes and 22 seconds).


Part of the blame for the time played data is associated with the numerous yellow and red cards shown by the Spanish referees.. LaLiga has been leading the ranking of warnings in Europe for years, with a wide difference over the rest of the competitions. The data is embarrassing, Well, in the last course, se ejecutaron en España más de 120 expulsions, three hundred percent more than in the Premier League. The comparison is scary.

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