The top ten players in the history of Sevilla

Los diez mejores jugadores de la historia del Sevilla

Last update 5 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Sevilla FC talk is talk of caste and courage, strength and heart. A team that after more than 100 years of fighting is more present today than ever. Con 7 titles in recent 10 años, It has become one of the most successful joint first division, It is of the few European teams 3 UEFA Cups or Europa League. And they do a great set great players, so we're going to stop in, at our discretion and leaving many other great players out, los 10 best players in the history of this great club.

1-Frederic Kanoute

An African giant with a huge heart. He arrived with English vitola old Tottenham player and finishing, coming to a club where almost nobody believed in him, and he went abroad being the top scorer in the history of Sevilla and fourth in total, con 136 goals in 289 official matches, only behind 3 legends Campanal, Arza y ​​Araujo. For what it represents, to be present and mark in almost every end of the last decade of Sevilla FC, You should be on this list

2-Juan Arza

Con 182 en 349 parties, Arza is considered a legend in the club, recognizing him as one of the largest in its history. This Navarre is the only "Pichichi" sevillista history, when in season 54/55 anotó 29 goals in 29 parties, with an average of one goal per game, something available to very few. Con él, Sevilla won its only league, to from 1946, and a Copa del Rey.

Juan Arza, un mítico de la historia del Sevilla.
Juan Arza, a mythical history of Sevilla.

3- Guillermo Campanal

He could not miss the top scorer of Sevilla FC, con 214 goals in the 17 years that belonged to nervionense set. This Spaniard is honored to be part of the template that got the only league club, in the year 1946, in addition to 2 King's Cups and 5 Andalucía championships. Was even mundialista, playing the quarterfinals of the World Cup in Italy 1934, where he lost to the hosts. Sin duda, one of the largest in history.

4-Davor Suker

Speaking of the "Wizard of Osijek" is talking about one of the best players (but the best) Croatia's history. En las 5 He was in Nervion campaigns reached a whopping 90 goles, leaving evenings to remember or large qualifiers, as the goal he scored in Greece against Olympiakos-kick rating to Sevilla for the next round of UEFA Cup. Genius even in his farewell, when he was made his move to Real Madrid and being focused with your selection, he asked to return to Sevilla to play the last day of league, in which were played hispalenses not fall, leaving the club for another year in First Division.

Davor Suker es uno de los mejores jugadores de la historia del Sevilla.
Davor Suker is one of the best players in the history of Sevilla.

5- Andres Palop

Sevilla has been able to boast of having porters grandísimos (Dasa, Bust, Eizaguirre), but if one stands above the rest that's Andres Palop. Fed up with the equipment replacement in their land, el Valencia CF, He decided to go to Seville in 2005 looking minutes, well that got. Very important from the beginning, with it came the great successes of the club, He is the captain of the last great era Sevilla. We must emphasize not only their stops (very prominent in the second UEFA Cup on penalties), but also his goal in Ukraine against Shakhtar which he made the Sevilla could move forward to achieve their first UEFA Cup.

6-Marcelo Campanal

Known as Campanal II during his career, the Central Asturian is considered the best defender in the history of Sevilla. 16 seasons at Sevilla FC 350 parties in the club, in addition to 11 times international with the Selection say a lot about a player who imposed his physical portentous, which she led him to be an athlete and winning several national athletics championships when he retired.

Campanal volaba cuando saltaba a por un balón.
Campanal flying when jumping for the ball.

7-José María Busto

Andrés Palop with Guillermo Eizaguirre, of the best goalkeepers in the history of Sevilla. This Basque played his entire sporting life in Sevilla, durante 16 seasons, It is key in achieving the league title 1946 and cup 1948. 339 nervionense parties with elastic attest that this is a club legend Nervion, although always he had the thorn of not playing with the Spanish team, because of the great competition with goalkeepers like Ramallets or Cedrún among others.

8-Jesus Navas

essential part of "Sevilla titles", player of Los Palacios will go down in club history as the best wide player in the history of Sevilla. 376 matches at the club he loves, con 31 goals and 86 assists attest that this is a great player. Its high speed makes it impossible to stop. International and world champion with the Spanish team, It is a clear example of the high quality that holds the quarry sevillista.

Jesús Navas, uno de los grandes de la historia del Sevilla.
Jesus Navas, one of the largest in the history of Sevilla.

9-Juan Araujo

Sevilla striker feared attack that won the league 1946, the "Pato" Araujo will be remembered as the author of the goal that gave the club this league, in the field of Les Corts against FC Barcelona. Con 139 goals in 206 parties, It is the third top scorer in the club, only surpassed by Arza and Campanal.

10- Manolo Jimenez

If there was a man who did honor to sevillista anthem with that of "caste and courage" that was Manolo Jimenez. Bravo lateral sevillista lefty has the honor of being the most capped player has worn the elastic sevillista League, with a total of 354, scoring a goal in the 14 years at the club. Fue 15 caps, contesting the World Cup in Italy 1990.

Manolo Jiménez corrió la banda del Pizjuán durante muchos años.
Manolo Jimenez band ran for many years Pizjuán.

Ruben R.Moya

Classic soccer lover, the muddy fields and the players with a mustache. You can read me in and also in @ RubenMoya32


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