The most 'wasteful teams in Europe' in the last decade

Los equipos más ‘derrochadores de Europa’ en la última década
PSG is one of the teams that breaks the bank in European football. FOTO: PSG official twitter

Last update 2 August, 2021 por Alberto Llopis

The transfer market has been dynamited in recent times, y football statistics so they show it. More and more clubs in Europa who bid with huge amounts of money to get the services of a footballer in question. This has resulted in a complex situation and not very easy to sustain in the long term..

No obstante, and as time goes by, far from alleviating this fact, Everything points to the fact that the most powerful teams in the old continent are increasingly "wasteful" in this sense.. Sin embargo, we have become accustomed to seeing totally galactic templates and that a priori seem to postulate as overwhelming, but that they finally end up crashing without achieving their objectives in terms of titles.

City, Barça and Chelsea, the teams that spend the most

With the emergence of the so-called ‘State Clubs’, the football universe has witnessed a total turnaround in transfer numbers. The market value of veryos players soars summer after summer, due to the muscle and economic power manifested by this type of equipment. Pero, It should also be noted that many other outfits have also ‘entered the rag’, being clear protagonists in this sense. There is nothing more than looking at the statistics of transfer spending over the last decade to realize this..

Since the season 2009/2010, el Manchester City is the team that has invested the most money in transfers: 1840 millions of euros. Curiously, and despite what many people might imagine, el Barça He is the one who is on the heels of the citizen group, con 1660 millions. The podium is closed by another English club: el Chelsea, what have you spent 1620 millions.

Behind them we find:

(4º) Juventus – 1560 millions of euros

(5º) Manchester United – 1490 millions of euros

(6º) Real Madrid – 1420 millions of euros

(7º) París Saint-Germain – 1420 millions of euros

(8º) Liverpool – 1180 millions of euros

(9º) Atlético de Madrid – 1150 millions of euros

(10º) Inter de Milan – 1140 millions of euros

It is proven that money does not bring happiness in football

Just as we said at the beginning, the statistics are clear, and in many cases overwhelming. But the certain and fixed thing is that spending and spending money in transfers does not assure the sporting success.

He Manchester City It is the club that has spent the most and that has amortized it the worst. Such investments have helped him to become a benchmark in English football, but outside its borders this mission has not been completed. The Champions League continue to be elusive, like al PSG. They have both been close, managing to reach the final, eso sí, no prize.

Carlos Garrido

Behind every pass, regattas, stop and goal there is always a story, and I like to write. Follow me on @carlos_vianos
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