A footballer dies after stealing a van

Last update 5 April, 2018 por Javi Argudo

Triste noticia la que nos llega desde Argentina. Specifically the facts occurred in the town of Ciudadela located in the southern part of the Buenos Aires district of Tres de Febrero, in Buenos Aires.

The young Leandro Aguirre, player who militated in the Fourth Division of Nueva Chicago, He assaulted by other criminals a man and stole a van Chery Tiggo. No contentos con ello, shortly after, They tried to make a new assault to a family that was in his vehicle, with such bad luck that the man who tried to steal was a retired policeman who shot the attackers who escaped.

Hours later, Aguirre died in a first aid room in La Matanza, to which the stolen truck allegedly arrived and which had five bullet holes. The deceased has just been the father of a baby of just two months.

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