Near Zaragoza take a pearl of the quarry of Valencia

El Zaragoza cerca de llevarse a una perla de la cantera del Valencia
Gonzalo Villar, Pearl Valencia want to sign the property Zaragoza. Foto: VALENCIA CF

Last update 1 June, 2018 por Alberto Llopis

Real Zaragoza is in full fight for the playoff for promotion to First Division. Sin embargo, the whole hand is already moving chips in shipments to planning for next season. And it has set its goal in one of the pearls of the quarry of Valencia. Specifically it is Gonzalo Villar, Zaragoza which carries a following time.

As has been told, especially Arantegui, sporting director Romareda box, He traveled to Valencia and met with the player, his father and his agents at a restaurant in the city of Valencia with the firm intention of hiring the mediocentro. Villar, de 20 años, It has not renewed his contract with Valencia expires next 30 of June.

International with the lower categories of Spain, recently he debuted with the first team in valencianista friendly against Al Nassr's team played in Mestalla Saudi lands. Villar arrived at Valencia from the quarry of Elche payment of 200.000 euros en 2015. We'll see if in the end his move is consumed owned by the maño box.

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