Will he return to the Spanish Villa?

¿Volverá Villa a la selección española?
Villa scores and triumphs in New York.

Last update 5 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

The professional life of a footballer is short, very short. Every year, each season, It must be exploited to the maximum if you want to succeed. Además, and unfortunately, most players reach the end of their stage without being able to make the most of them, They are forced to migrate to other leagues where the demands are much lower, or clubs that their role is important but with certain nuances. Sin embargo, in certain cases, there are players in this small exile found a second youth and achieve a much greater potential than expected. A clear example is the David Villa.

The "Guaje", the best Spanish striker of all time, winner of all, headed America a 2 de junio de 2014. MLS would be his new home, and fans of New York City would be the lucky ones to enjoy the last afternoons of glory Villa.

Hoy, nearly three years after his departure, the Spaniard has shown that its decline is far. By dint of goals and superb performances, his name still sounds hard, it is included, y por qué no, to return to the Spanish selection. And it is that "Red" is the "fetish" place of David Villa. With that shirt has scored 59 targets in a total of 97 parties, thus becoming the top scorer in the history of the national team all of which were dismissed after the World Cup in Brazil 2014. A farewell was a simple goodbye, because he never closed the door to his return.

Would you meet again defend the colors of Spain? The question and debate are in the air. Desde luego, the good David Villa is doing well for it, their 21 goals in 31 matches so far this campaign in the US are a good guarantee. The "killer" Spaniard has returned to rediscover his best version on American soil, and if given the chance ..., will not miss.

Carlos Garrido

Behind every pass, regattas, stop and goal there is always a story, and I like to write. Follow me on @carlos_vianos
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