Oscar Alberto Dertycia, one of the most characteristic footballers in Spanish football

Oscar Alberto Dertycia, uno de los futbolistas más característicos del fútbol español
Dertycia had a long career in Spain. FOTO: hanging

Last update 28 October, 2023 por Alberto Llopis

Oscar Dertycia He was one of the most characteristic football players of the 90's, Few players have been so peculiar or striking as the Argentine striker who played for teams in Europe as Fiorentina, Cadiz, Tenerife or Albacete. Football fans, They could remember him for playing in the Canarian team that He stole the league from Real Madrid twice in a row, but the truth is that everyone will remember for his physical quirky, he made himself worthy of his charismatic nickname. And it was in Cadiz, in his first team in Spain, where they began calling “Mr Proper“.

Dertycia, one of those remembered football players of the 90

Born in Cordoba, Argentina, 3 de marzo de 1965, played between 1982 y 2002 a total of 535 parties, spread among a lot of teams in Argentina, Italy and Spain among others, marking the not inconsiderable figure of 212 goles. He became international with Argentina, competing 18 parties and marking 2 goles.

When I played in Italy, at Fiorentina, He was injured and had a problem with medication, which it caused a nervous alopecia, Dertycia leaving no body hair, including his eyebrows and his head. When he arrived in Cadiz to play there, Cadiz fans, faithful to the “banter” It characterizes these lands, he was dubbed with the nickname “Mr Proper”.

Parece increíble pero Dertycia llegó a tener pelo alguna vez.
It seems incredible but Dertycia got to have hair ever.

Tuvo una larga carrera

Quarrelsome and guerrilla, Dertycia He was a nuisance for rival defenders, whom he surprised with his running power and finishing ability.. He was practically an idol everywhere he was, especially in Tenerife, where he possibly lived the best moments of his career as a professional footballer and spent three seasons where he delighted the Chicharreros fans in the best decade in the history of the Canary Islands club.. Argentina completed in good numbers also, highlighting in Cordoba Institute y Argentine Juniors. It passed through Chile and ended his career in Peru, and in the new century and beating as he knew.


Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Colgadosporelfutbol.com. Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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