The worst start of the season Valencia in the XXI century

El peor inicio de Liga del Valencia en el siglo XXI

Last update 18 September, 2016 por Alberto Llopis

Valencia has bottomed in the league 2016/17. While signing the worst start of the season in its history in the XXI century. After four games, Valencia's picture is the only team 42 making up the LFP between Santander League and the League 1,2,3 who has failed to score any points so far this championship. And that at a club like Valencia can not afford. And endangered head Pako Ayestaran could be the eighth coach ceased 5 seasons, a figure that speaks of permanent chaos experienced by the club.

En la temporada 1997-98, Valencia started with 3 defeats in 3 parties which together with a failure aligning 4 foreign, It took the position to Jorge Valdano. Ese año, Claudio Ranieri's Valencia who became a tightrope, He managed to reach ninth place after remade a bit in the second round of the League in a set that look bad.

Valdano salió del Valencia tras perder tres partidos de tres.
Valdano left the Valencia after losing three games three.

En la 1999-00 Hector Cuper valencianista set started with 3 defeats in 3 Hector Cuper games but managed to keep the job after winning the fourth game and the year ended with a Champions League final, the first of two consecutive losing Valencia, and third place.

With the advent of the XXI century, Valencia started a golden age between 2000 y 2004 but with the arrival of the second decade of the century things started to go wrong progressively to this situation. The season 2012/13 Mauricio Pellegrino Valencia team only added 8 points in the day 7. Some quite similar to the data of the 2015/16. Pellegrino finished dismissed a few days later and the rudder of the ship caught Ernesto Valverde preserved the team in Europe.

En la 2013/14 Djukic added 12 points following 4 victories and 3 defeats in 7 Serbian parties but did not end the year where the Argentine Pizzi made a decent campaign in the Europa League League but failed to qualify for any European competition for the first time in decades. Last year the Valencia sacked Nuno and Neville and came to flirt with the posts below. The club did not reach Europe despite the fact that Nuno's start was infinitely better than this year. En 4 days added 6 points following 1 victoria, 3 draws and no losses.

Nuno acabó fuera del Valencia pese a empezar mucho mejor que Pako Ayestarán.
Nuno finished off Valencia despite starting much better than Pako Ayestaran.

Con 4 defeats in 4 journeys, 0 points and 10 goals against, Valencia is uncovered as the bottom club in the league and the worst in recent years. A crisis more being added to the turmoil of a club accustomed to playing Russian roulette. Pandora's box has already been opened in Mestalla. We will see what will be the consequences of a situation that is becoming more uncomfortable for fans valencianistas.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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