Piermario Morosini, a terrible story with a final worse

Piermario Morosini, una historia terrible con un final peor
The terrible moment of the fall of Piermario Morosini. Unfortunately nothing could be done for his life. FOTO: REUTERS/Fabio Urbini (ITALY - Tags: SPORT SOCCER HEALTH OBITUARY) ORG XMIT: ROM103

Last update 3 April, 2023 por Alberto Llopis

Piermario Morosini falleció a 14 de abril de 2012 while he is going for a match with his team, and Livorno Italian. Football player, de 26 años, fell collapsed on the grass in that terrible Pescara-Livorno disputed in the Adriatic Stadium in Pescara. Sin embargo, his unfortunate death, It was the end to a life filled with misfortunes and horrors, a life that was fattened with him and his.

The hard life of Piermario Morosini

His time on earth, He was far from happy but despite this, Morosini was still trying to move forward when his heart said enough was enough that afternoon in April 2012. Cuando tenía 15 años, His mother died. Dos años más tarde, when the footballer had only 17 años, It was his father who was. shortly, one of his brothers who suffered a disability, He decided to commit suicide to end his life. If misfortunes were not enough, the player took care of her other sister that care needed to also suffer severe disability.

Sadly, a couple of months after Morosin's death, was going to die Manolo Preciado, a man with a life and a final, very similar to the Italian footballer. The Spanish coach had lost his wife a few years sick, one of his sons in a car accident and his father in another accident as rare as absurd. One day before being presented as Villarreal coach said his heart just in a beach area of ​​Valencia. Football people with a terrible story as we tell you of James Blaszcykowski y la de Hope Solo.

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