El portero que se meaba para parar los penaltis

El portero que se meaba  para parar los penaltis
Sergio Goycochea made history in Italy 90 as one of the best goalkeepers in the history parapenaltis. Also by a strange ritual. Foto: Elcomercio

Last update 13 June, 2022 por Alberto Llopis

You know who was the goalkeeper who peed to stop penalties? Footballers in general and in particular the gatekeepers, They have always been people of strange rituals and hobbies. Sin embargo, some go from brown to dark. The story that we tell you here has to do with the strange ritual that was applied Sergio Goycoechea, Argentina goalkeeper in the early 90, before penalty shootouts.

Alternates Argentine goalkeeper Neri Pumpido was one of the stars of the Mundial de 1990. An injury of goalkeeper bético then opened the door of title and did not waste. However like all, It has its intrahistoria.

Italia 90, the World Cup in which the goalkeeper was seen urinating to save penalties

All this history began in the World Cup held in Italy in 1990. In the quarterfinals, Argentina and Yugoslavia will play it all on penalties after finishing extra time scoreless. Maradona, at that time the number 1 mundial, fails the third release for Argentines but Goycochea was going to fix stopping penalties of Brnovic and Hadzibegic.

However before this had happened a curious anecdote. The Argentine goalkeeper was peeing but as mark the rules of the game, a player can only leave the field without being replaced in the middle of the game but never with the game on the line. However bladder Goyco not stand it slyly and peed on the lawn sneaky way.

The goalkeeper thought this had given him luck and ritual repeated in the next semifinal match against Italy that also killed in the shootout. They say Goycochea made a curious ritual before the penalty shootout. The Argentine goalkeeper made his teammates surround him completely to crouch and peeing in the area where they were going to throw penalties as had happened before a match. The thing turned out well, Goycoechea stopped 3 penalties and again the hero.

Argentina stood in the final, because the goalkeeper stopped five maximum penalties in the championship. Curiously, in the end, He could not stop the release of the penalty that gave the title to Germany. Spectacular and agile, es el parapenaltis most famous in the recent history of football and also left for history this curious ritual that he repeated in the Copa América the following year and that Argentina took.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Colgadosporelfutbol.com. Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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