Who are the youngest scorers in the history of the Spanish League?

¿Quiénes son los goleadores más jóvenes en la historia de la Liga Española?
Lamine Yamal became the 8 de octubre de 2023 the youngest goalscorer in the history of the Spanish League. FOTO: @FC Barcelona

Last update 10 October, 2023 por Alberto Llopis

La Liga española, known as LaLiga, is one of the most prestigious and followed soccer tournaments around the world. Throughout its rich history, LaLiga has witnessed countless impressive feats and records. One of the most notable and admired records is that of the youngest scorers in the history of the competition. En este artículo, We will explore some of the talented footballers who marked their names in history by scoring goals at a young age..

The youngest scorers in the history of the Spanish League

Lamine Yamal

Con 16 years and 87 days, Lamine Yamal is the youngest scorer in LaLiga history. The culé player is a record collector since he is also the youngest player to debut for Spain y también the youngest player to score for the Spanish team.

Fabrice Olinga

The Cameroonian scored for Málaga against Celta de Vigo in Balaídos with 16 oops years 98 days. Fue en agosto de 2012. Fabrice Olinga kept his record until 8 de octubre de 2023, more of 11 años.

Iker Muníain

He scored with Athletic with 16 years and 289 days un 4 de octubre de 2009 against Real Valladolid in the José Zorrilla stadium.

Ansu Fati

Barcelona's other child prodigy scored with 16 years and 304 days. He did it a 31 of August of 2019 against Osasuna in Sadar.

Xisco Nadal

Emerging from the Villarreal quarry, Xisco Nadal was a child prodigy and one of those for star players who were but they didn't meet the statistics. He was also at the time the youngest scorer in the history of the Spanish League when he scored with 16 años, 11 months and 18 days en junio de 2003.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Colgadosporelfutbol.com. Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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