Who are the Best Spanish front of the moment?

¿Quiénes son los mejores delanteros españoles del momento?

Last update 2 March, 2022 por Alberto Llopis

To the glorious era of the Spanish selection and dismal performance in the last World Cup he left no little doubt the Spanish fans. Adios to the selection of what is possibly the best Spanish striker in recent 5-6 años, David Villa, linked to poor performance in recent seasons people like Fernando Torres, They have given way to new generations in front of Spain. That's why in Colgados, we ask who are the best Spanish front of the moment. We propose a few.

Paco Alcacer. La juventud, the emergence and goal. Valencia striker has emerged strongly and it is a reality. all international, is a fixture in the valencianista set and lately for Del Bosque. It was not long before premiering in the shirt of Spain. A whole area killer.

Aritz Aduriz. Already a veteran but still one of the goals that mark each season. It is definitely one of the best at what they do, Score goals.

Alvaro Morata. The Juventus striker got the attention of Del Bosque based more good game that goal. It is the top scorer in the Under-21.

Morata se ha hinchado a marcar en la Sub 21.
Morata has swelled to mark the Sub 21.

Fernando llorente. Morata partner at Juve, Old Lion King seems to have lost prominence in recent seasons. Looking to get back on track with zamarra Sevilla.

Alvaro Negredo. It has lost steam in recent years. Alcacer partner in Valencia, his first season as Valencia was very bad but has not yet said its last word.

Rodrigo Moreno. Despite being born in Brazil, It is a classic of the Spanish selections below where it takes a long time. He emigrated to Benfica and his move to Valencia put it back on the list of top strikers in the Spanish selection. After a weak first year in Valencia seeks to exploit once.

Rodrigo lleva ya varios años goleando en las inferiores de España.
Rodrigo has existed for several years beating people at the lower of Spain. A couple of years ago was arguably one of the top three Spanish strikers but their passage to England, He blew out his star a bit. It has not curdled good performances with the Spurs but still one of the Spanish options.

Roberto Soldado. A couple of years ago was arguably one of the top three Spanish strikers but their passage to England, He blew out his star a bit. It did not work good performances with the Spurs but has returned to Villarreal hard and wanting to remain one of the Spanish options.

Jonathan Soriano. Former Espanyol and Barca, It has spent years breaking records not only in Austria (main excuse for many to not take it to the selection) but in the Europa League and Champions. Has swelled to score goals but it seems that neither Del Bosque nor his people into account. Something that has not gone unnoticed by teams like Bayern Leverkusen.

Jose Callejon. It has cost but has achieved. Napoli has got the best of him and managed to go summoned with Del Bosque. I had to leave Real Madrid to be valued.

Fernando Torres. Not in a good time but still the “Boy” and still it has race despite that having and 30 and take more than a decade in the elite it could be considered a veteran. With his return to Atletico Madrid, Torres hopes to return to be the 9 from Spain.

Bojan Krkić. It seems that everyone has forgotten him. He burst with great force before reaching the age of majority and with just 24 years seems to have disappeared from the map. Still out there and still have a good margin.

Bojan el día de su debut en 2008.
Bojan the day of his debut 2008.

Diego Costa. He has not yet managed to exploit for Spain but for now, Spanish-Brazilian is the reference Del Bosque.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Colgadosporelfutbol.com. Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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