The forwards of Real Sociedad: A review of the best scorers from San Sebastian

Los delanteros de la Real Sociedad: Un repaso a los mejores goleadores donostiarras
Who are the Real Sociedad forwards who have stood out the most in their history?? Satrustegui is the top scorer in its history. PHOTOMONTAGE: hanging

Last update 25 January, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Who are the best Real Sociedad forwards in their history?? The San Sebastian team, has almost always had the position of the 9 since its beginnings. And it is worth remembering that the first Pichichi Trophy in history it was for the realist PACO BIENZOBAS, in the first season in league history 1929.

En la década de los 80, Goal responsibility fell on two men of the house, Joseph Mary Satrustegui y Roberto Lopez Ufarte. Both were the best strikers in the Real of history and where the San Sebastian club won two league titles. Both are from the best players in the history of Real Sociedad. But let's focus on the front.

The best forwards of Real Sociedad throughout history

Jesus Maria Satrústegui

Fue un 9 pure and is the top scorer in the history of Real Sociedad con 162 goles. Se retiró en 1986 at the age of 32 años. He had a traumatic withdrawal since he was injured in the prime of his career 28 years and spent almost 2 Years blank. Although he returned to play with Real, not again the same.

He lost the title in favor of a very young José Mari Bakero. Satrus, as he was known in Donosti, He was a born fighter, good header of the ball and a player crash.

Roberto Lopez Ufarte

López Ufarte was the ideal complement to Satrus. Together, They were one of the most lethal couples at the end of the 70 principles of 80. is the second Real's all-time top scorer, con 129 targets. López Ufarte added to his resume the Copa del Rey 1987, where he scored a goal in the final against Atletico Madrid, computer that would end up playing next year, before retiring at Real Betis Balompié 1989. Both were international with Spain.

José Mari Bakero, Little Begiristain and Loren

After removal of Satrus in 1986 and the departure of López Ufarte to Atlético de Madrid, donostiarra equipment gave the baton to Bakero, Beriguistain and Loren. The later march of Bakero and Txiki to Barcelona and Loren the eternal rival, el Athletic de Bilbao, propitiated the arrival of foreign players for the first time since 1962. It broke a tradition of 25 años.

With the signing of Aldridge the door was opened to foreign forwards

Jhon Aldridge arrived from Liverpool. Amid the social debate and controversy of his move, Irish striker quickly closed the discussion by dialing 16 goals and being the star of the team. De la mano de Boron, which she made him forget to J.B. Toshack, the classification was achieved for UEFA Cup.

The following season he joined Aldo, el británico Dalian Atkinson. The attacker ended up at Real Sociedad with just 22 year season 1990-91 from Sheffield, It is one of the most promising of English football, getting to play in the England Under-21. Antes, in Ipswich Town, when he still had no 20 años, He had already begun to highlight its high speed and brash. Real he paid for this player 340 millions of old pesetas, and he came with another English, Kevin Richardson also both be leaving together at Aston Villa after a season in La Liga. Dalian scored 12 goals that season, including a doublet at Mestalla and a goal in the Camp Nou. Atkinson died in a confrontation with police en el verano de 2016.

Meho Kodro among the best forwards in the history of Real Sociedad

JB again in San Sebastián, La Real signed the Bosnian striker meho Kodro. The "Kodrazos" will be remembered by all fans blanquiazules. Desde 1991 hasta 1995 It was the striker of Real, in his last two seasons he scored 23 y 25 goals that led him to Barca Cruyff by 700 millions of old pesetas, League record figure at that time.

After several failed attempts as Pürk Austrian or Mexican Luis García, arrived from Romania Gica Craioveanu. Romanian player made his mark in the league, not only for its good game, also by his affable character off the pitch. In fact it was a sportscaster in the sixth to retire from football.

The Nihat-Kovacevic couple and the runner-up of 2003

A Gica was joined in the season 97-98 Darko Kovacevic, Serbia forward cost 550 million pesetas and marked 16 y 17 goals in two seasons before leaving for Juventus after payment of 20 millions of euros. After he failed to Italy, where it did not work either Juve or Lazio returned to Real in the winter market 2002 por 1100 millones de pesetas, ultimately the most expensive signing in club history. With it came the Turkish Nihat hand JB Toshack, in which the third stage was Welsh coach front club donostiarra. This duo won the League runner-up 2003, They were the best pair of strikers League. Con 23 Turkish goals by 20 from Serbian.

With the departure of the couple Nihat-Kova, Royal became one of the worst periods in its history. Danish players like Skoubo, or the Turks Necati Arif Erden or who did not become decisive and passing through the txuri-urdin club was short-lived. Then the Uruguayans Carlos Bueno and the well-known Sebastian Abreu, Second important players but that was not counted for First.

The forwards of Real Sociedad in the 21st century

Already in the return to Primera, the hiring of players like Vela or Seferovic and the emergence of people from the house like Imanol Aguirretxe It meant putting Real back in the Champions League and recovering the position value of the “9”. Years later it would be Oyarzabal the one who would break down the door without being a 9 pure.

The top scorers in the history of Real Sociedad

  1. Jesus Maria Satrústegui
    • Período: 1973 – 86 (13)
    • Matches: 162
    • Goals: 131
  2. Roberto Lopez Ufarte
    • Período: 1975 – 87 (12)
    • Matches: 129
    • Goals: 102
  3. Ignacio Alcorta Cholín
    • Período: 1927 – 40 (13)
    • Matches: 127
    • Goals: 56
  4. Sebastian Ontoria
    • Período: 1941 – 55 (14)
    • Matches: 114
    • Goals: 41
    • Período: 1926 – 42 (9) (Nota 2)
    • Matches: 107
    • Goals: 39
  6. Darko Kovačević
    • Período: 1996 – 07 (9) (Nota 3)
    • Matches: 107
    • Goals: 92
  7. Peio Uralde
    • Período: 1978 – 86 (8)
    • Matches: 100
    • Goals: 61
  8. José Mari Bakero
    • Período: 1980 – 88 (8)
    • Matches: 91
    • Goals: 67
  9. Mikel Oyarzabal
    • Período: 2015-Act. (8)
    • Matches: 91
    • Goals: 73
  10. José Mari Pérez
    • Período: 1942 – 55 (13)
    • Matches: 84
    • Goals: 40
  11. Epi Fernandez
    • Período: 1935 – 55 (9) (Nota 4)
    • Matches: 81
    • Goals: 44
  12. meho Kodro
    • Período: 1991 – 95 (4)
    • Matches: 81
    • Goals: 73
  13. Jesus Mari Zamora
    • Período: 1974 – 89 (15)
    • Matches: 79
    • Goals: 64
  14. Dionisio Urreisti
    • Período: 1962-77 (15)
    • Matches: 78
    • Goals: 62
  15. Imanol Agirretxe
    • Período: 2004-18 (14)
    • Matches: 75
    • Goals: 56
  16. Xabi Prieto
    • Período: 2003-18 (15)
    • Matches: 74
    • Goals: 53
  17. Carlos Vela
    • Período: 2011-18 (7)
    • Matches: 73
    • Goals: 66
  18. José Antonio Arzak
    • Período: 1962-75 (13)
    • Matches: 70
    • Goals: 24
  19. Angel Peace
    • Período: 1950-62 (12)
    • Matches: 69
    • Goals: 57
  20. Willian José
    • Período: 2016-21. (5)
    • Matches: 62
    • Goals: 52
  21. Oscar de Paula
    • Período: 1995-06 (11)
    • Matches: 60
    • Goals: 57
  22. Nihat Kahveci
    • Período: 2001-06 (5)
    • Matches: 58
    • Goals: 58
  23. Antoine Griezmann
    • Período: 2009-14 (5)
    • Matches: 53
    • Goals: 41
  24. Javi de Pedro
    • Período: 1993-04 (11)
    • Matches: 52
    • Goals: 45
  25. Marco Antonio Boronat
    • Período: 1967-77 (10)
    • Matches: 49
    • Goals: 31

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