Players who had problems with the law

Jugadores que tuvieron problemas con la justicia
Dani Alves faces a possible tough sentence. FOTO:

Last update 28 March, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

there are too many footballers who had problems with the law. Elite footballers often lead a completely different life from a young age, completely different from a human generally. Wrapped in a bubble of fame, pretty girls, money and ego through the air, except in cases with head screwed, usually they occur face to face with reality when they leave football. Some even earlier, already they have or have had problems with the law. We remind you of some cases .

Players who had problems with the law

Dani Alves and Santi Mina

The most recent cases. Dani Alves faces a conviction for raping a young woman in a Barcelona nightclub on New Year's Eve 2022 al 2023. At the moment he is in provisional prison and without bail awaiting trial. Mina was finally tried and sentenced in 2022 for a case of sexual assault on a young woman in 2017.

Semedo, four complaints in a few months and imprisonment for threatening, binding and kidnapping a man

The player signed by Villarreal in the summer of 2017 entered with force. In a few months, Semedo He was denounced for assaulting a man with a bottle, pull a gun on a club hostess in Valencia and kidnapping, throws, hit, even threatening to cut off a finger and retaining a guy addition to stealing at home. A case that cost the young footballer to enter the Picassent prison (Valencia).

Toño García went to prison playing for Levante

The then left-back of Levante UD, He came to enter provisional detention in the Teruel prison where the trial was held accused of money laundering and belonging to a criminal organization. was locked up 21 días hasta que salió en libertad sin cargos.

Benzema, a recidivist guy with legal problems

Sports extra problems have dogged the French. Shortly after arriving in Madrid, he crashed his Audi Q7, after he was accused of performing sprinting with their sports through the streets of Madrid and Ibiza and driving without driving license. and up 7 sometimes it has been involved in trouble at the wheel but has not been the only.

En 2014, jumped another scandal when Zahia, a prostitute for 17 years accused Benzema and Ribery for child abuse after allegedly maintaining relationships with them. Finally, both were acquitted but the case was there as an accident more in the curriculum French. If this and continuing problems with traffic wardens were few, He is missing the latest scandal.

Supposedly, Matthew Valbuena, French player was blackmailed with an alleged porn video involving the player and would be distributed over the Internet if the player did not pay 150.000 euros. It is not known exactly which part of this story Benzema but the truth is that the player has spent a night held by Justice of Paris. unfortunately for the Ballon d'Or 2022 has had problems with the law.

Messi, Christian and Finance, footballers problems with the IRS

Cristiano Ronaldo and Leo Messi had to go through the courts for tax evasion. They are not the only footballer gotten into these issues. Other big-name players have been or are being investigated for similar topics. Without going further, Fabio Cannavaro was sentenced to 10 months in jail 2015.

René Higuita spent time behind bars, Freddy Rincon wanted by Interpol and accused Adriano, all problems related to drug trafficking

The eccentric and legendary Colombian goalkeeper spent a few months behind bars for being linked to shady business related to a mobster poster country. Another fellow countryman, Freddy Rincon, He also had serious problems with international justice and came to be searched for and captured by Interpol, although in the end he was acquitted of it.. Died in an accident in 2022. Adriano, “the emperor” former teams like Inter or Roma, He was charged by prosecutors in Rio de Janeiro for relationship issues with drug trafficking.

La ficha de la Interpol de Freddy Rincón.
Interpol tab Freddy Rincon.

Football players and speed

They were not few players who have struggled with their high-powered cars and speeding. Benzema, It was hunted over 200 with his luxury sports car on the ring road of Madrid. Drenthe, It was caught in Alicante also exceeding the speed. Kluivert he faced a prison trial for the death of a person in a traffic accident when he played for Ajax. Miguel Brito, He ran over a mother and daughter with the result of a dead while playing for Valencia. Michael Ballack He was caught at high speed while on vacation in Spain and so on..

Caminero accused of very serious issues, Tomas Reñones and Operation Malaya

Legendary former Atletico and Valladolid, It was charged in an operation of drug trafficking and money laundering thereof. A very serious matter certainly. Tomas Renones former classmate of Wayfarer at Atlético, He was arrested and spent several months in prison for the Malaya case.

Too many players convicted violence issues, Maradona took the cake

Many others have been convicted or charged with issues of violence. Gary Medel ended handcuffed after a scuffle with police, Ruben Castro from Betis accused of assaulting his girlfriend, Maradona, put in 1000 y 1 problems with justice, He has attacked journalists who has come to strike, shooting an airgun and even stepped foot in your car. And if that was not enough, it came to filter a video where he beat his young bride in a total waste of paper.

Hope Solo la usa goalkeeper She was also arrested for a matter of violence.

Gary Medel esposado
Gary Medel ended handcuffed by an issue of violence. FOTO: Clarion

La Premier, with too many cases

Gerrard ended arrested after a fight in a bar, Marcos Rojo for a similar incident or Paul Gascoigne to his problems with alcohol led him to get into a few of these. Cantona was also arrested a few hours by flying kick at Crystal Palace fan in 1995.

Also in the Premier we have other cases that ended up in prison for violence such as Mason Greenwood fue detenido por propinar una paliza a su novia aunque al final quedó sin cargos tras ser retirados los cargos. Se rehabilitó para el fútbol en 2023-24 con el Getafe.

Similar case to Benjamin Mendi who spent more than a year in pretrial detention, although it was in January 2023 found not guilty of 6 violations.

These cases are just a grain of sand in a desert where there are many more cases of professional football players and athletes in general involved. If in addition we talked about presidents who have ended up behind bars for very murky issues and various shenanigans we would not finish never this article. so that, We leave it for another day.

football hung


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