Rooney on the chart: It sneaks into a wedding and just drunk

Rooney la lía: se cuela en una boda y acaba borracho
Thus ended Rooney "happy" at the wedding where sneaked. Foto: The Sun

Last update 5 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

It is not the year of Wayne Rooney. The England captain and Manchester United is not having his best season and to top it off, the front has gotten into another pool that can be expensive. Según el diario The Sun, después de ganar por 3-0 a Escocia, Rooney decided to stay at the hotel where the English team was focused, unlike other colleagues who took advantage of the free time to enjoy your day.

It seems like, English had nothing better to do and decided to shop around the resort and sneak in a wedding that was taking place in the same. Al principio, Wedding guests, They did not believe it was him even though he was dressed in clothes England, debido a que “It was very kind” and could be “someone who seemed much”.

According spent the night, the thing is out of hand and put “a reddish face” with a form of “talk a bit strange”. Even, according to witnesses claim was made “fotos” and he chatted with “girlfriend”. Wayne Rooney ended at the end drunk and photos leaked leaving very good place for an exceptional player who does not go through his best moments.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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