The bench at the Bernabeu to be a classic of Chinese Second Division

Del banquillo del Bernabéu a ser un clásico de la Segunda División china
López Caro will direct for the second time in the Second China. Foto: Brand

Last update 13 April, 2018 por Alberto Llopis

Football takes many turns and one day you're on top and a decade later your career develops other completely different paths. This could be the case of former Real Madrid coach, Levante, Celta, Mallorca and Spanish U 21 among others, Juan Ramon Lopez Caro who returns to the second step of Chinese football where he was already in 2016 y 2017.

Lopez Caro was elected in 2017 as the best coach of the Chinese silver category after winning the rise of Dalian Yifang. Pese a ello, the club did not endorse confidence in him and hired another classic of the Spanish bench Bernd Schuster as German, who took over the Chinese team in the top flight.

Shenzhen FC now gives the command Andalusian apart from his long career in Spanish football has also led teams like Oman and Saudi Arabia. López Caro españoliza more so Chinese football is that if China's first division we can find Luis García Plaza or Jonathan Viera among others, in the second, Spanish coaches are up to five.

Sergi Barjuan dirige al Hangzhou Greentown, Jordi Vinyals the Qingdao Huanghai, Raul Agne Nei Mongol Zhongyou and former Levante, Juan Ignacio Martínez better known as Jim, el Meizhou Meixian Techand. Lopez Caro complete a 'Spanish’ Chinese Second Division.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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